Team:VT Ensimag 2010-Biosecurity/sixframe
Six frame translation
Each triplet of nucleotides (codon) codes for one amino-acid. In taking the corresponding one for each codon of the sequence, we obtained the first amino-acid sequence. The codon stop is represented by a star.
The translation can also begin at the second nucleotide, so we need to check also the second strand of amino-acid.
Similarly, we have to check for a translation beginning in the third nucleotide. So we now have the 3 corresponding amino-acid sequence for the direct order.
The nucleotide sequence can be a 5'-3' one, so we have to take the complementary reversed sequence. The complementary sequence is just the same one in taking for each base pair its complementary (A-T, C-G). This sequence will so be read in the reversed order (from the last nucleotide to the first one). as in the direct order, the translation can begin in the first, second or third nucleotide.
At the end, we obtain 6 amino-acid sequences. We also keep the 2 nucleotide sequences. |