Team:ETHZ Basel/Modeling/SorokinaMello


Light-input system coupled to chemotaxis model (Sorokina/Mello)

The Sorokina model will be coupled to the Mello model. This is done by expanding the single molecular models to a single DAE model.

At the moment, the implementation is not working.


  1. Link model to Mello chemotaxis ODE models
  2. Define experimental conditions


Please find the current version on the SVN-Server.

  • (8/12): (SVN rev. 15) Goal 1 in progress
  • (8/14): (SVN rev. 16) Goal 1 in progress
  • (8/15): (SVN rev. 17) Goal 1 in progress


  • Fix the implementation
  • Verification & Discussion

I will continue to work on this model. If you would like to help, please check the SVN server for the current version and send me an email regarding your participation.


Goal 1

Please see SVN Rev. 17 for first try: ./SorokinaMello


[1] [ Sorokina et al: A switchable light-input, light-output system modelled and constructed in yeast. J Biol Eng. 2009 Sep 17;3:15.]