Team:ETHZ Basel/InformationProcessing/MicroscopeControl


Microscope Control

The imaging pipeline from the microscope to Matlab/Simulink

The microscope is connected to a workstation using the core drivers and interfaces of μManager (see Stuurman et al. (2007) or []). To provide a mechanism to change the cell's input signal depending on its fluorescence signal, we developed the microscope software μPlateImager, which enables for parallel acquisition of images and the modification of light input signals. μPlateImager uses the Java interface of the μManager core to control the microscope and can be configured by a separate platform-independent visual user interface. μPlateImager uses the undocumented Java MATLAB Interface (JMI) to connect to Matlab (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) based on the open source project matlabcontrol (see []). The microscope thus can be closely controlled by standard Matlab scripts.