Team:Newcastle/Agendas/1 September 2010


Agenda for the formal meeting: Wednesday 1st September 2010

  • Meeting location: CBCB
  • Meeting time: 15:00

Chair: Harsh

Minutes: Younus

Computer: Philip

  1. Roll call and apologies
  2. Approval of the previous minutes and action points
  3. Wiki
  4. Lab feedback
    1. Gibson cloning/rocF
    2. Subtilin Immunity
    3. yneA
  5. Concrete
  6. Modelling
  7. Action points
    1. Rough presentation slides
    2. Watch one of the six iGEM finalists last year's presentation
    3. Logo/T-shirts
    4. Visa
    5. Publicity
    6. Other business
  8. Next meeting
    1. Items for next agenda
    2. Chair
    3. Minutes
    4. Computer