Team:Newcastle/Meetings/26 May 2010


Revision as of 10:34, 29 May 2010 by Shethharsh08 (Talk | contribs)

Formal Meeting 26th May 2010

Minutes for formal meeting 1st April 2010
* Room: Claremont 922; Start: 3 pm
* Chair: Rachel, Minutes: Harsh, Computer: Rachel
1. Roll call and apologies
Apologies - Steven, Younus, Da, Alan, Phil
2. Approval of agenda and minutes
3. Brief summary of previous meeting
4. Research Feedback
1. Biobrick 1 (CaCO3/ Urease)

Biobrick tutorial taught last to last week by Anil on Urease. Urease has a complicated genetic circuit. Should start forming questions which would help in building the egnetic circuit of the biobrick.

2. Biobrick 2 (End of crack and signalling system)

Need to search for the peptides which are to be used for quorum sensing.

3. BIobrick 3 (Non target environment kill switch)

There are not many biobricks in the iGEM registry on bacterial lysis. There is a lot of data on lysis by Richard on the wiki. WE should start looking up for ftsZ and SOS system for lysis and a biobrick can be made early based on this and can be characterized. Need to look up on ftsZ paper. Bacterial Time Bomb.

4. BioBrick 4 (Spider silk & filamentous cells)

Read the 2 papers sent by Anil on glue and spider silk.

5. BioBrick 5 (glue and lysis)
6. BioBrick 6 Sequential Programming

Modelling is almost at an end. (Richard)

6. Visa/Passport update

Harsh called but didn't get any dates for the month of June so will be applying in July again. Send visa draft document to Anil- Harsh

7. Travel plans

Too early to book flights and hotels. May have other members joining.

8. Tutorial

Next tutorial to be on the week after

9. Flow Chart

Media:Flowchart_overview-1-.ppt‎ A. Need to be more in depth. ie. The problems, what the bacteria need to do to achieve the goal and the genes that are needed and why. B. Another flow chart to show the different stituation and how the bacteria response to it.

10. Sponser on T-shirt (Janetta)

To contact sponser next week

11. Other business

A. Foxit not working

12. Action points

1. To draft email to Colin and Chris and show it to instructors first(everyone) 2. To continue to develop flow chart(everyone) 3. Tutorial on Wiki

14. Next meeting 11am on 070410 for informal meeting in Walton library and 3pm on 070410 for formal meeting in CBCB
        1. Chair-Richard 
        2. Minutes-Racheal
        3. Computer-Jenetta