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An Integrated Platform Based on Bacterial Microcompartment for de novo Proteinaceous Artificial Organelles

Below are the results of the questionnaire answered by people before the talk.

The first two questions are about people’s attitude towards genetic manipulation. The results somewhat worry us. As they show, more than a half of the students resist genetically modified food and are terrified when hearing that something is genetically modified. Probably, they will show similar concern towards what we are doing in the area of synthetic biology. On the other hand, as the third question shows, students show much enthusiasm for gene manipulation. So there is a pressing need for us to help them form an objective view of synthetic biology. To achieve this goal, we held comprehensive talk about synthetic biology. ( for more information)

The fourth question shows the impact of synthetic biology on human health concerns students most. In general, this concern can be divided into two parts: what synthetic biology can do to benefit us and what harm it may do. For the first part, many gold-winning projects of previous years have shown its great potential. As for the second part, it really worries us whether the microcompartment we’ve synthesized may raise safety issues in terms of public health and environment. So we decided to do something to estimate the risks. (for more information)

The fifth result really cheers us, for it shows that about 3/4 students involved tend to show a responsible attitude towards scientific research. 1、 你对转基因食品(例如转基因水稻,抗虫害棉花)的态度: A、坚决抵制,即使转基因食品价格会很低 B、稍许抵制,但如果价格优势明显也可以接受 C、与正常食品同等对待 D、转基因食品高于平常食品。 What’s your attitude towards genetically modified food(GMF)? A. strongly resist it,even though GMF can be bought at a much lower price B. resist it ,but if the price of it if really low,I’ll consider take it. C. Treat GMF and normal food as equals D. Value GMF more than the normal 2、 谈到“基因操纵”你最先浮现的情感是那种? A、恐惧 B、担忧 C、好奇 D、自豪 You are _______when hearing that something is genetically engineered? A. terrified B. worried C. curious D. proud 3、今年你接触到一些有关基因操纵的消息吗? A、经常,而且会主动寻找相关信息。 B、经常被动接受一些信息 C、偶尔 D、从不 A. yes,and I willingly search for interesting information about that. B. Yes,others often told me something related to it C. Only occasionally D. Never 4、你认为基因操纵会对那些方面造成不小的冲击?(可多选) A、伦理学 B、生物进化 C、人类健康 D、环境污染 E、其他:_________________________________________________ A. ethics B. biological evolution C. human health D. environmental pollution E. others_____________________________________________ 5、你在从事科学研究的时候(或者将来从事科学研究时)会不会考虑你所做的工作将来对人类社会的影响(环境、伦理、健康……)? A、会,而且会针对其作出调整 B、会考虑一部分,但如果会影响研究结果,暂时不会考虑 C、从不考虑 Have you ever consider the impact of your work on Society, in terms of environment, ethics and human health? A. Yes, think a lot about it. B. Yes, I’ll think about it, but if it greatly affect my research, I’ll ignore it. C. Never