

Revision as of 23:38, 27 October 2010 by Axva1663 (Talk | contribs)

Our Parts

These are the parts we've designed for this year's project. <groupparts>iGEM010 Stanford</groupparts>

Data and Characterization

Due to time constraints, we have only posted data for BBa_K353002.

K353002 timecourse.jpg GFP fluor.jpg 3D.jpg Flow data.jpg

The above figures are FACS data for K353002 in BW27783 cells (E. Coli). The first figure is histograms of the response to an induction series of L-arabinose. The second figure is the cumulative distribution response curves to the same induction series of L-arabinose.

To see data for the protein ratio sensor, please see the following pages on the Parts Registry: