Team:Newcastle/Meetings/3 June 2010


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Agenda for the formal Meeting: 3rd June 2010

|- |Start Time: 3pm |- |1. Roll call and apologies |- |Apologies Anil late, Phil late |- |2. Approval of minutes |- |Approved |- |3. Action points of last meeting |- |Approved |- |4. Tutorials |- |• Clone Manager Tutorial- postponed |- |• Previous Tutorials – In the Dropbox or on the wiki? Not there yet. |- |5. Research Feedback: |- |BioBrick 1 (CaCO3/Urease): All |- |Paper from tutorial –not in drop box yet! |- |Action point – people who were there to re-teach tutorial |- |BioBrick 2 (End of crack & signalling system): D.Y.; P.H.; Y.E.; H.S. |- |BioBrick 3 (Non-target-environment kill switch): S.W.; A.L.; R.B.; J.S. |- |BioBrick 4 (Spider silk & filamentous cells): J.S.; R.B.; S.W.; Y.E.; Z.B. |- |Important to know promoter binding, inhibitors, -10 and -35 regions affinity and RNApol |- |BioBrick 5 (Glue & lysis): H.S.; A.L.; P.H.; D.Y. |- |BioBrick 6 Sequential Programming (Richard) |- | A few weeks |- |6. Action points |- |Jen send link tutorial |- |Wendy to mailing |- |Coilin to mailing list |- |Janetta to check wiki |- |Edit sponsors on wiki add welcome trust and industrial workware |- |1. Flowcharts |- | no progress |- |2. Emails to Colin Harwood and Christopher Voigt |- |Colin emailed, Voigt not sending an email serious research instead. |- |3. Logo/ T-shirts |- | green, end of June |- |4. Visas |- |letter ready to sign- Harsh hassle Anil |- |5. Travel plans |- |Early |- |1. Flights |- |2. Accommodation |- |6. Funding |- |Jeff Errington no reply |- |Edit funding letter / review |- |Andrew Young- sage- letter! |- |7. Modelling |- |Needs to be sorted- SBML? Cell ML and Java |- |Richard – chief of modelling/ Each Team decide |- |Software tool –Gibson, see email from Anil: Computational sub project, simple graphical interface. |- |8. Advisors |- |add Colin. Goksel and Wendy to wiki and mailing, colin davies |- |9. New students |- |New civil. Eng no funding yet |- |10. Time line discussion |- |Jannetta carry forward action point add timeline |- |Phil Update timeline |- |11. Other business |- |Gilbert and Sulivan – This Monday and Tuesday 7.30pm £4 student £5 Adult (Social) |- |Jannetta’s project – work flows –e science, use web services: blast ncbi etc export (computer accesses instead of manual) from one to the other rather than copy pasting from many sites. Teverner. Work flow example will find restriction sites in a nucleotide sequence. Output where the restriction sites are. Cut site not always where the start of the sequence,0 is for the start of the recognition site . |- |12. Items for next agenda |- |13. Next meeting |- |No formal next week |- |Informal meeting – tomorrow 12pm Walton |- |1. Chair –Phil |- |2. Minutes – Steven |- |3. Computer- Alan |- |}

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