Team:Newcastle/Agar plates


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LB agar plates

Materials required

The materials mentioned below is used to make up 1 liter of the standard LB agar plates:

  1. 10 g of tryptoptan
  2. 5 g of yeast
  3. 5 g of NaCl
  4. 15 g of agar

The materials mentioned is used to make up 1 liter of LB starch agar plates:

  1. 10 g of tryptoptan
  2. 5 g of yeast
  3. 5 g of NaCl
  4. 15 g of agar
  5. 10 g of starch


  • Dissolve the materials in 800 ml of distilled water. ( Note : The agar will not dissolve in distilled water. )
  • After most of the materials are dissolved, top up the final volume to 1 liter with distilled water.
  • Autoclave the mixture.
  • After autoclaving, allow the mixture to cool down before adding the appropriate antibiotic.
  • Pour appropriately 25 ml of the mixture into petri dishes.

Note: Aseptic technique must be employed after the autoclave part.

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