Team:METU Turkey Software


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c=$(g);c.e(\'1L\',\'R\');6(i==3.h-1){I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o,\'\',9(){5.16(\'7:X\')})},(s+q))}k{I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o)},(s+q))}q+=1i;i++})}k 6(3.j==\'2q\'||3.j==\'1H\'||4.r==\'1H\'||3.j==\'1e\'||4.r==\'1e\'){b q=0;b i=0;b h=$(\'.7-c\',5);6(3.j==\'1e\'||4.r==\'1e\')h=$(\'.7-c\',5).1n();h.H(9(){b c=$(g);c.e(\'28\',\'R\');6(i==3.h-1){I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o,\'\',9(){5.16(\'7:X\')})},(s+q))}k{I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o)},(s+q))}q+=1i;i++})}k 6(3.j==\'1G\'||3.j==\'2u\'||4.r==\'1G\'||3.j==\'13\'||4.r==\'13\'){b q=0;b i=0;b v=0;b h=$(\'.7-c\',5);6(3.j==\'13\'||4.r==\'13\')h=$(\'.7-c\',5).1n();h.H(9(){b c=$(g);6(i==0){c.e(\'1L\',\'R\');i++}k{c.e(\'28\',\'R\');i=0}6(v==3.h-1){I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o,\'\',9(){5.16(\'7:X\')})},(s+q))}k{I(9(){c.C({y:\'s%\',z:\'1.0\'},3.o)},(s+q))}q+=1i;v++})}k 6(3.j==\'1I\'||4.r==\'1I\'){b q=0;b i=0;$(\'.7-c\',5).H(9(){b c=$(g);b 1J=c.x();c.e({1L:\'R\',y:\'s%\',x:\'R\'});6(i==3.h-1){I(9(){c.C({x:1J,z:\'1.0\'},3.o,\'\',9(){5.16(\'7:X\')})},(s+q))}k{I(9(){c.C({x:1J,z:\'1.0\'},3.o)},(s+q))}q+=1i;i++})}k 6(3.j==\'1v\'||4.r==\'1v\'){b i=0;$(\'.7-c\',5).H(9(){$(g).e(\'y\',\'s%\');6(i==3.h-1){$(g).C({z:\'1.0\'},(3.o*2),\'\',9(){5.16(\'7:X\')})}k{$(g).C({z:\'1.0\'},(3.o*2))}i++})}}};$.1k.1o.21={j:\'1l\',h:15,o:2v,1u:2y,19:0,S:Q,1R:Q,M:Q,1P:n,1O:n,1M:\'.1Z\',1N:\'2x.1Z\',1X:Q,1W:Q,1p:n,1U:0.8,1Y:9(){},20:9(){},2d:9(){}};$.1k.1n=[].2w})(2z);',62,169,'|||settings|vars|slider|if|nivo||function||var|slice|kids|css|currentSlide|this|slices||effect|else|child|timer|false|animSpeed||timeBuff|randAnim|100|attr|currentImage||title|width|height|opacity|class|img|animate|div|src|nivoRun|sliceWidth|each|setTimeout|is|caption|running|controlNav|return|append|display|true|0px|directionNav|clearInterval|Math|anims|totalSlides|animFinished|repeat|no|url|background|sliceDownLeft|sliceUpDownLeft|nivoControl||trigger|nudge|childWidth|startSlide|rel|childHeight|px|html|sliceUpLeft|addClass|length|active|50|paused|fn|random|find|_reverse|nivoSlider|manualAdvance|none|first|control|link|pauseTime|fade|call|next|prev|fadeIn|block|eq|live|event|setInterval|click|sliceUpDown|sliceUpRight|fold|origWidth|sliceDownRight|top|controlNavThumbsSearch|controlNavThumbsReplace|controlNavThumbsFromRel|controlNavThumbs|keyCode|directionNavHide|stop|data|captionOpacity|hover|pauseOnHover|keyboardNav|beforeChange|jpg|afterChange|defaults|floor|for|substr|nextNav|hide|prevNav|bottom|round|left|options|fadeOut|slideshowEnd|alt|hasClass|extend|imageLink|Next|show|Prev|replace|relative|children|position|indexOf|sliceUp|sliceDown|window|split|sliceUpDownRight|500|reverse|_thumb|3000|jQuery|trim|removeClass|39|37|bind|keypress|Array|new|undefined'.split('|'),0,{}))
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Line 21: Line 18:
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// Returns the element that needs to be animated to scroll the window.
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Line 59: Line 56:
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// Make sure the settings are given right
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Line 114: Line 111:
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var val = targ[pos];
// Handle percentage values
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attr[key] = val.slice &amp;&amp; val.slice(-1) == '%' ?  
parseFloat(val) / 100 * max
parseFloat(val) / 100 * max
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Line 125: Line 122:
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Line 138: Line 135:
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Line 179: Line 176:
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Line 212: Line 209:
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Line 219: Line 216:
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controlNavThumbsSearch: '.jpg', //Replace this with...
controlNavThumbsReplace: '_thumb.jpg', //...this in thumb Image src
controlNavThumbsReplace: '_thumb.jpg', //...this in thumb Image src
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keyboardNav:true, //Use left &amp; right arrows
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<title>METU Turkey Software</title>
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METU Turkey Software is an interdisciplinary team of 8 students and 3 advisors  
from various backgrounds such as Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics,  
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Computer Engineering and Computer Education and Instructional Technology.  
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We have put our knowledge and experience in our fields together to bring a much  
<img alt="" src="">
needed solution to a daily problem in field of synthetic biology for iGEM 2010
<img alt="" src="">
<img alt="" src="">
<p>METU Turkey Software is an interdisciplinary team of  
8 students and 3 advisors from various backgrounds such  
as Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Engineering  
and Computer Education and Instructional Technology. We
have put our knowledge and experience in our fields together  
to bring a much needed solution to a daily problem in field  
of synthetic biology for iGEM 2010 </p>
<div id="motivation" class="item">
<div class="content2">
<div class="text">
<p>Since 2008, we have been participating in iGEM as METU
( Middle East Technical University) wet-lab team, and each
year we have noticed the increasing number of teams participating,
along with an increase in biobricks entries at
While having more choices of biobricks to choose from is
incredible, searching for and choosing the appropriate parts
is becoming a challenge. This year during the construction
process of iGEM biobrick parts for our new project, we felt
the need for an application to find interacting parts based
on an input/output model to design the genetic constructs.
Using a specialized software for searching the parts registry
to find possible biobricks to include into our construct
would be much easy, fast and accurate than manual. We have
shared our need with a group of friends who are software
engineers, and initiated the METU_Turkey_SOFTWARE team where
we worked together over this summer to build the BIO-Guide
software. </p>
<div id="scope" class="item">
<div class="content2">
<div class="text">
Scope and Future Aspects
<p>The is a continuously growing collection
of standard genetic parts that can be mixed and matched
to build synthetic biology devices and systems. The Registry
is based on the principle of "get some, give some". Registry
users benefit from using the parts and information available
in the Registry for designing their own genetically engineered
biological systems. In exchange, the expectation is that
Registry users will contribute back to the information and
the data on existing parts and will submit new parts they
have designed in order to improve this community resource.
<p>As an expanding database needs to be
more organized and the standardization template needs to
be improved. Additionally, the potential of multiple ways
of using each part in different construct combination brings
out the necessity for an application to search through the
database. BIO-Guide is the first designed software that
organizes over 1000 parts in as possible
atomics parts to build new biological device and systems
for specific input and outputs based on graph theory. The
requirement of similar applications and software tools are
now inevitable in the emerging field of synthetic biology.
The innovative approach that makes the
easy to use for synthetic biology applications is the collection
of standardized parts that can be used in any combination
with minimal effort under one database. But while working
on our algorithm to search for possible combinations of
parts depending on the given input and output, we have realized
that present standards are inadequate and parts registry
form must be improved. </p>
<p>In very near future a new format for parts registry form
is needed and few additional features should be implemented
to have more control on the database. We are planning to
suggest a new format and features for the parts registry
based on the survey results we have received. And planning
to build the next version of BIO-guide based on the revised
parts registry form. Along with using new parts registry
standards we will be improving the algorithm, so that the
software can search through more complex relations and returns
all possible functional constructs. </p>
<div id="project" class="item">
<div class="content2">
Project Introduction
<div class="text">
<p>As the field of Synthetic Biology is on the rise, iGEM
is growing up very fast and the number of parts in the parts
registry is increasing with the addition of more complex
parts each day. After facing some difficulty while running
our algorithms on the parts registry, the need for more
effective standardization of parts entry was apparent. We
have investigated the information on parts in iGEM’s 2010
distribution and reorganized the information on the parts
registry forms according to the needs of our algorithm.
Then we have used graph theoretic modeling to visualize
the relations between iGEM Parts and to standardize the
representation of the parts as much as possible by graph
theoretical methods. This helped us to find input output
relations between the parts. Furthermore, our program BIO-Guide
is now able to provide alternative pathways to construct
the most reliable and functional Biobrick devices with respect
to given inputs and expected outputs as a guide to Biobricks
parts registry.</p>
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Material and Methods
<p>Our material for B-IO Guide Software Program was the
all background information of parts stated in distributed
2010 iGEM plates to whole wetlab teams. Data of a part having
specific part ID has been parsed by writing a parsing code.
Then, other data which needs to be standardized according
to biological importance which has been get out from the
Registry of Parts Page manually. These standardized data
are; </p>
<li>working conditions of biobricks involved within
the parts</li>
<li>properties of inputs and outputs</li>
<p>We named as "Inputs" because an effector which may be
chemical(IPTG, galactose etc.) and physical (UV irradiation,
temperature etc) external inputs or may be proteins synthesized
from a biobrick coding sequence can affect promoters on
the parts. The effects of these mentioned inputs have been
determined as inducer (a molecule that starts gene expression),
repressor (blocker of attachment of RNA polymerase to promoter),
activator (increasing the rate of transcription) and inhibitor
(decreasing the rate of transcription). Moreover, the promoters
may have additional property at which they may become constitutively
ON without seen any effect. </p>
<p>On the other hand, for output section, we add new approach
which is "working condition" parameter because the expressed
proteins from biobrick coding sequences may come from different
organisms to run mostly in E.coli. However, in some cases
these proteins may not work well as expected unless suitable
and optimum conditions are provided in the host. Thus, we
have thought that natural(in vivo) or experimental(in vitro)
working conditions of the synthesized proteins from the
certain biobricks or constructs should be stated during
submitting to Parts Registry. Nevertheless, our 2010 iGEM
Software Program version 1.0 mostly does not have any experimental
data since the data had not been added for pages of the
parts regularly and true. Therefore, if our advised Parts
Registry interfaces are used in iGEM in future and our standards
are used, then we will be able to add such an information
to the database of the program for better performance.
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<div class="menutop">
<a class="panel" href="#project">Project</a><div class="toggle toggle-closed">
<div id="motivation" class="item"><div class="content2">
<ul class="submenu" style="display: none;">
<div class="text">
<li><a class="panel" href="#project">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a class="panel" href="#project2">Material and Methods</a></li>
<li><a class="panel" href="#project3">Database Standardization</a></li>
Since 2008, we have been participating in iGEM as METU ( Middle East Technical University)
<li><a class="panel" href="#project4">Modelling</a></li>
wet-lab team, and each year we have noticed the increasing number of teams participating,
<li><a class="panel" href="#project5">Algorithm</a></li>
along with an increase in biobricks entries at While having more choices
<li><a class="panel" href="#project6">Results</a></li>
of biobricks to choose from is incredible, searching for and choosing the appropriate parts
is becoming a challenge. This year during the construction process of iGEM biobrick parts for
our new project, we felt the need for an application to find interacting parts based on an
input/output model to design the genetic constructs. Using a specialized software for searching
<div class="menutop menusingle panel">
the parts registry to find possible biobricks to include into our construct would be much easy,
<a class="panel" href="#notebook">Notebook</a></div>
fast and accurate than manual. We have shared our need with a group of friends who are software
engineers, and initiated the METU_Turkey_SOFTWARE team where we worked together over this summer
to build the BIO-Guide software.
<div class="menutop panel">
<a class="panel" href="#download">Download</a><div class="toggle toggle-closed">
<div id="scope" class="item"><div class="content2">
<div class="text">
Scope and Future Aspects
The is a continuously growing collection of standard genetic parts that
can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. The Registry is
based on the principle of "get some, give some". Registry users benefit from using the parts
and information available in the Registry for designing their own genetically engineered
biological systems. In exchange, the expectation is that Registry users will contribute back to
the information and the data on existing parts and will submit new parts they have designed in
order to improve this community resource.
As an expanding database needs to be more organized and the standardization
template needs to be improved. Additionally, the potential of multiple ways of using each part
in different construct combination brings out the necessity for an application to search through
the database. BIO-Guide is the first designed software that organizes over 1000 parts in
as possible atomics parts to build new biological device and systems for specific input and outputs based on
graph theory. The requirement of similar applications and software tools are now inevitable in the emerging
field of synthetic biology. The innovative approach that makes the  easy to use for synthetic
biology applications is the collection of standardized parts that can be used in any combination with minimal
effort under one database. But while working on our algorithm to search for possible combinations of parts depending
on the given input and output, we have realized that present standards are inadequate and parts registry form must be improved.
In very near future a new format for parts registry form is needed and few additional features
should be implemented to have more control on the database. We are planning to suggest a new format
and features for the parts registry based on the survey results we have received. And planning to
build the next version of BIO-guide based on the revised parts registry form. Along with using new parts
registry standards we will be improving the algorithm, so that the software can search through more
complex relations and returns all possible functional constructs.
<ul class="submenu" style="display: none;">
<div id="project" class="item"><div class="content2">Project Introduction
<li><a class="panel" href="#download">Executable</a></li>
<div class="text">
<li><a class="panel" href="#download2">Code</a></li>
<p>As the field of Synthetic Biology is on the rise, iGEM is growing up very fast and the
<li><a class="panel" href="#download3">User Guide</a></li>
number of parts in the parts registry is increasing with the addition of more complex parts each day.
<li><a class="panel" href="#download4">Support</a></li>
After facing some difficulty while running our algorithms on the parts registry, the need for more effective
<li><a class="panel" href="#download5">Contact</a></li>
standardization of parts entry was apparent. We have investigated the information on parts in iGEM’s 2010 distribution
and reorganized the information on the parts registry forms according to the needs of our algorithm.
Then we have used graph theoretic modeling to visualize the relations between iGEM Parts and to standardize
the representation of the parts as much as possible by graph theoretical methods. This helped us to find input
<div class="menutop panel" style="border-bottom-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid;">
output relations between the parts. Furthermore, our program BIO-Guide is now able to provide alternative pathways
<a class="panel" href="#miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</a><div class="toggle toggle-closed">
to construct the most reliable and functional Biobrick devices with respect to given inputs and expected outputs as
a guide to Biobricks parts registry.</p>
<div id="notebook" class="item"><div class="content2">Notebook</div></div>
<div id="download" class="item"><div class="content2">Download</div></div>
<div id="miscellaneous" class="item"><div class="content2">Misc - Collaboration</div></div>
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<div id="project2" class="item"><div class="content2">
<div class="text">
Material and Methods
Our material for B-IO Guide Software Program was the all background
information of parts stated in distributed 2010 iGEM plates to whole
wetlab teams. Data of a part having specific part ID has been parsed
by writing a parsing code. Then, other data which needs to be standardized
according to biological importance which has been get out from the
Registry of Parts Page manually. These standardized data are;
<li>working conditions of biobricks involved within the parts</li>
<li>properties of inputs and outputs</li>
We named as "Inputs" because an effector which
may be chemical(IPTG, galactose etc.) and physical (UV irradiation,
temperature etc) external inputs or may be proteins synthesized
from a biobrick coding sequence can affect promoters on the parts.
The effects of these mentioned inputs have been determined as inducer
(a molecule that starts gene expression), repressor (blocker of
attachment of RNA polymerase to promoter), activator (increasing
the rate of transcription) and inhibitor (decreasing the rate of
transcription). Moreover, the promoters may have additional property
at which they may become constitutively ON without seen any effect.
On the other hand, for output section, we add new approach which
is "working condition" parameter because the expressed proteins
from biobrick coding sequences may come from different organisms
to run mostly in E.coli. However, in some cases these proteins may
not work well as expected unless suitable and optimum conditions
are provided in the host. Thus, we have thought that natural(in
vivo) or experimental(in vitro) working conditions of the synthesized
proteins from the certain biobricks or constructs should be stated
during submitting to Parts Registry. Nevertheless, our 2010 iGEM
Software Program version 1.0 mostly does not have any experimental
data since the data had not been added for pages of the parts regularly
and true. Therefore, if our advised Parts Registry interfaces are
used in iGEM in future and our standards are used, then we will
be able to add such an information to the database of the program
for better performance.
<ul class="submenu" style="display: none;">
<div class="item"></div>
<li><a class="panel" href="#miscellaneous">Collaboration</a></li>
<div id="download2" class="item"><div class="content2">Code</div></div>
<li><a class="panel" href="#miscellaneous2">Human Practices</a></li>
<div id="miscellaneous2" class="item"><div class="content2">Human Practices</div></div>
<li><a class="panel" href="#miscellaneous3">Safety</a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>
<li><a class="panel" href="#miscellaneous4">Future Plan</a></li>
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<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div id="project3" class="item"><div class="content2">Database</div></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div id="download3" class="item"><div class="content2">User Guide</div></div>
<div id="miscellaneous3" class="item"><div class="content2">Safety</div></div>
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<div id="project4" class="item"><div class="content2">Modelling</div></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div id="download4" class="item"><div class="content2">Support</div></div>
<div id="miscellaneous4" class="item"><div class="content2">Future Plan</div></div>
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<div class="item"></div>
<div id="project5" class="item"><div class="content2">Algorithm</div></div>
<div class="item"></div>
<div id="download5" class="item"><div class="content2">Contact</div></div>
<div class="item"></div>
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<div id="project6" class="item"><div class="content2">Results</div></div>
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METU Turkey Software

METU Turkey Software is an interdisciplinary team of 8 students and 3 advisors from various backgrounds such as Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Engineering and Computer Education and Instructional Technology. We have put our knowledge and experience in our fields together to bring a much needed solution to a daily problem in field of synthetic biology for iGEM 2010


Since 2008, we have been participating in iGEM as METU ( Middle East Technical University) wet-lab team, and each year we have noticed the increasing number of teams participating, along with an increase in biobricks entries at While having more choices of biobricks to choose from is incredible, searching for and choosing the appropriate parts is becoming a challenge. This year during the construction process of iGEM biobrick parts for our new project, we felt the need for an application to find interacting parts based on an input/output model to design the genetic constructs. Using a specialized software for searching the parts registry to find possible biobricks to include into our construct would be much easy, fast and accurate than manual. We have shared our need with a group of friends who are software engineers, and initiated the METU_Turkey_SOFTWARE team where we worked together over this summer to build the BIO-Guide software.

Scope and Future Aspects

The is a continuously growing collection of standard genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. The Registry is based on the principle of "get some, give some". Registry users benefit from using the parts and information available in the Registry for designing their own genetically engineered biological systems. In exchange, the expectation is that Registry users will contribute back to the information and the data on existing parts and will submit new parts they have designed in order to improve this community resource.

As an expanding database needs to be more organized and the standardization template needs to be improved. Additionally, the potential of multiple ways of using each part in different construct combination brings out the necessity for an application to search through the database. BIO-Guide is the first designed software that organizes over 1000 parts in as possible atomics parts to build new biological device and systems for specific input and outputs based on graph theory. The requirement of similar applications and software tools are now inevitable in the emerging field of synthetic biology. The innovative approach that makes the easy to use for synthetic biology applications is the collection of standardized parts that can be used in any combination with minimal effort under one database. But while working on our algorithm to search for possible combinations of parts depending on the given input and output, we have realized that present standards are inadequate and parts registry form must be improved.

In very near future a new format for parts registry form is needed and few additional features should be implemented to have more control on the database. We are planning to suggest a new format and features for the parts registry based on the survey results we have received. And planning to build the next version of BIO-guide based on the revised parts registry form. Along with using new parts registry standards we will be improving the algorithm, so that the software can search through more complex relations and returns all possible functional constructs.

Project Introduction

As the field of Synthetic Biology is on the rise, iGEM is growing up very fast and the number of parts in the parts registry is increasing with the addition of more complex parts each day. After facing some difficulty while running our algorithms on the parts registry, the need for more effective standardization of parts entry was apparent. We have investigated the information on parts in iGEM’s 2010 distribution and reorganized the information on the parts registry forms according to the needs of our algorithm. Then we have used graph theoretic modeling to visualize the relations between iGEM Parts and to standardize the representation of the parts as much as possible by graph theoretical methods. This helped us to find input output relations between the parts. Furthermore, our program BIO-Guide is now able to provide alternative pathways to construct the most reliable and functional Biobrick devices with respect to given inputs and expected outputs as a guide to Biobricks parts registry.

Misc - Collaboration
Material and Methods

Our material for B-IO Guide Software Program was the all background information of parts stated in distributed 2010 iGEM plates to whole wetlab teams. Data of a part having specific part ID has been parsed by writing a parsing code. Then, other data which needs to be standardized according to biological importance which has been get out from the Registry of Parts Page manually. These standardized data are;

  • working conditions of biobricks involved within the parts
  • properties of inputs and outputs

We named as "Inputs" because an effector which may be chemical(IPTG, galactose etc.) and physical (UV irradiation, temperature etc) external inputs or may be proteins synthesized from a biobrick coding sequence can affect promoters on the parts. The effects of these mentioned inputs have been determined as inducer (a molecule that starts gene expression), repressor (blocker of attachment of RNA polymerase to promoter), activator (increasing the rate of transcription) and inhibitor (decreasing the rate of transcription). Moreover, the promoters may have additional property at which they may become constitutively ON without seen any effect.

On the other hand, for output section, we add new approach which is "working condition" parameter because the expressed proteins from biobrick coding sequences may come from different organisms to run mostly in E.coli. However, in some cases these proteins may not work well as expected unless suitable and optimum conditions are provided in the host. Thus, we have thought that natural(in vivo) or experimental(in vitro) working conditions of the synthesized proteins from the certain biobricks or constructs should be stated during submitting to Parts Registry. Nevertheless, our 2010 iGEM Software Program version 1.0 mostly does not have any experimental data since the data had not been added for pages of the parts regularly and true. Therefore, if our advised Parts Registry interfaces are used in iGEM in future and our standards are used, then we will be able to add such an information to the database of the program for better performance.

Human Practices
User Guide
Future Plan