Team:Calgary/23 July 2010


Revision as of 19:27, 23 July 2010 by Raidakhwaja (Talk | contribs)

Friday July 23, 2010

Gel electrophoresis of Raida's PCR products: Mal-E Gene specific primers

The first thing I did this morning was run a Gel Electrophoresis of my Mal-E Gene Specific Primer Testing PCR products. I ran it on a 1% gel at 100 V for an hour. Please refer to the image to the side. As it can be seen, the PCR results are positive. All the bands are near the 1200 bp band size, which indicates that it is the Mal-E gene. Furthermore, Lane 7 and Lane 13 show no band because this was the DNA that had the deleted sequence. So the fact that there is no band there is an indication of the fact that the MalE primer is function and only amplified the MalE gene as it was supposed to.

Placeholder Text

No notebook page exists for this date. Sorry!