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/* --- script: NivooSlider.js description: A nice image slider for MooTools. license: MIT-style license authors: - Johannes Fischer requires: - core/1.2.4: '*' provides: - NivooSlider ... */ var NivooSlider = new Class({ Implements: [Events,Options], caption: null, children: null, containerSize: 0, count: 0, currentSlide: 0, currentImage: '', effects: { horizontal: ['fade', 'fold', 'sliceLeftUp', 'sliceLeftDown' , 'sliceLeftRightDown', 'sliceLeftRightUp', 'sliceRightDown', 'sliceRightUp'], vertical: ['fade','fold','sliceDownLeft','sliceDownRight','sliceUpDownLeft','sliceUpDownRight','sliceUpLeft','sliceUpRight'] }, hover: false, interval: null, paused: false, running: false, totalSlides: 0, options: { animSpeed: 500, autoPlay: true, effect:'sliceDown', interval: 3000, orientation: 'vertical', pauseOnHover: true, slices: 15, // not implemented yet directionNav: true, directionNavHide: true, controlNav: true //onStart: $empty(), //onFinish: $empty() }, initialize: function(container, options) { this.container = $(container); this.setOptions(options); this.initSlider(); this.createSlices(); if(this.options.autoPlay) {; } }, /** * Getter */ getImages: function() { return this.container.getElements('img'); }, getSlices: function() { return this.container.getElements('.nivoo-slice'); }, /** * Setter */ setBackgroundImage: function() { this.container.setStyle('background-image','url('+this.currentImage.get('src') +')'); }, setCaptionText: function(text) { this.caption.set('text', text); }, /** * Create */ initSlider: function() { this.container.addClass('nivooSlider'); this.containerSize = this.container.getSize(); // Find our slider children this.children = this.getImages(); this.totalSlides = this.children.length; this.children.setStyle('display','none'); this.currentImage = this.children[0]; // init LinkHolder this.createLinkHolder(); // Set first background this.container.setStyle('background-image', 'url('+this.currentImage.get('src')+')'); this.createCaption(); this.showCaption(); // attach pauseOnHover if(this.options.pauseOnHover && this.options.autoPlay) { this.container.addEvents({ 'mouseenter': this.pause.bindWithEvent(this), 'mouseleave': }); } }, createCaption: function() { this.caption = new Element('p', { 'class': 'nivoo-caption', styles: { opacity: 0 } }).inject(this.container);'fxInstance', new Fx.Morph(this.caption, { duration: 200, wait: false }));'height', this.caption.getHeight()); }, createLinkHolder: function() { this.linkHolder = new Element('a', { 'class': 'nivoo-link', href: '#' }).inject(this.container); }, createSlices: function() { var sliceSize = { x: (this.container.getWidth()/this.options.slices).round(), y: (this.container.getHeight()/this.options.slices).round() }; this.options.slices.each(function(i){ var slice = new Element('div', { 'class': 'nivoo-slice' }).inject(this.container); var position = { left: this.options.orientation == 'vertical' ? sliceSize.x*i : 0, top: this.options.orientation == 'horizontal' ? sliceSize.y*i : 0 }; // set size & position if(this.options.orientation == 'horizontal') { slice.setStyles({ height: i == this.options.slices-1 ? this.container.getHeight()-(sliceSize.y*i) : sliceSize.y, top:, width: '100%' }); } // if vertical else { slice.setStyles({ left: position.left, width: i == this.options.slices-1 ? this.container.getWidth()-(sliceSize.x*i) : sliceSize.x }); }'fxInstance', new Fx.Morph(slice, { duration: this.options.animSpeed })).store('position', position); }, this); }, /** * Caption */ hideCaption:function() { var fx = this.caption.retrieve('fxInstance'); fx.start({ bottom: this.caption.retrieve('height') * -1, opacity: 0 }); }, showCaption: function() { var title = this.currentImage.get('title'); if(!title){ return; } this.setCaptionText(title); var fx = this.caption.retrieve('fxInstance'); fx.start({ bottom: 0, opacity: 1 }); }, /** * Slide / Animations */ play: function() { this.interval = this.slide.periodical(this.options.interval, this); }, pause: function() { $clear(this.interval); }, slide: function() { if(this.running) { return; } // Set current background before change this.setBackgroundImage(); this.currentSlide++; if(this.currentSlide == this.totalSlides) this.currentSlide = 0; if(this.currentSlide < 0) this.currentSlide = (this.totalSlides - 1); // Set currentImage this.currentImage = this.children[this.currentSlide]; //Set active link var imageParent = this.currentImage.getParent(); if(imageParent.get('tag') == 'a') { this.linkHolder.setStyle('display', 'block').set('href', imageParent.get('href')); } else { this.linkHolder.setStyle('display', 'none'); } // Process caption this.hideCaption(); this.showCaption(); var slices = this.getSlices(); var timeBuff = 0; //Set new slice backgrounds var orientation = this.options.orientation; slices.each(function(slice, i){ var position = slice.retrieve('position'); slice.setStyles({ background: 'url('+this.currentImage.get('src')+') no-repeat -'+ position.left +'px '+*-1 +'px', opacity: 0 }); var property = orientation == 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'; slice.setStyle(property, 0); }, this); // fire onStart function this.start(); // Run effects this.running = true; var effect = this.options.effect; if(effect == 'random') { effect = this.effects[orientation].getRandom(); } // vertical effects if(['sliceDownRight', 'sliceDownLeft'].contains(effect)) { if(effect == 'sliceDownLeft') { slices = slices.reverse(); } slices.each(function(slice, i){ slice.setStyle('top', 0); this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, 'height', this.containerSize.y]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } else if(['sliceUpRight', 'sliceUpLeft'].contains(effect)) { if(effect == 'sliceUpLeft') { slices = slices.reverse(); } slices.each(function(slice, i){ var fx = slice.retrieve('fxInstance'); slice.setStyle('bottom', 0); this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, 'height', this.containerSize.y]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } else if(['sliceUpDownRight', 'sliceUpDownLeft'].contains(effect)) { if(effect == 'sliceUpDownLeft') { slices = slices.reverse(); } slices.each(function(slice, i){ if(i%2 == 0) { slice.setStyle('top', 0); } else { slice.setStyle('bottom', 0); } this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, 'height', this.containerSize.y]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } // horizontal effects else if(['sliceLeftUp', 'sliceLeftDown' , 'sliceRightDown', 'sliceRightUp'].contains(effect)) { if(effect == 'sliceLeftUp' || effect == 'sliceRightUp') { slices = slices.reverse(); } if(effect == 'sliceRightDown' || effect == 'sliceRightUp') { slices.setStyle('right', 0); } else { slices.setStyle('left', 0); } slices.each(function(slice, i){ this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, 'width', this.containerSize.x]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } else if(['sliceLeftRightDown', 'sliceLeftRightUp'].contains(effect)) { if(effect == 'sliceLeftRightUp') { slices = slices.reverse(); } slices.each(function(slice, i){ if(i%2 == 0) { slice.setStyle('left', 0); } else { slice.setStyle('right', 0); } this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, 'width', this.containerSize.x]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } // horizontal or vertical else if(effect == 'fold') { slices.each(function(slice, i){ if(orientation == 'horizontal') { var property = 'height'; var to = slice.getHeight(); slice.setStyles({ height: 0, width: this.containerSize.x }); } else { var property = 'width'; var to = slice.getWidth(); slice.setStyles({ height: this.containerSize.y, top: 0, width: 0 }); } this.animate.delay(100 + timeBuff, this, [slice, property, to]); timeBuff+= 50; }, this); } else // if(effect == 'fade') { slices.each(function(slice, i){ if(orientation == 'horizontal') { slice.setStyle('width', this.containerSize.x); } else { slice.setStyle('height', this.containerSize.y); } this.animate.delay(100, this, [slice]); }, this); } }, animate: function(slice, property, to) { this.count++; var fx = slice.retrieve('fxInstance'); var styles = { opacity: 1 }; styles[property] = to; fx.start(styles).chain(function(){ if(this.count == this.options.slices) { this.running = false; // fire onFinish function this.finish(); this.count = 0; } }.bind(this)); }, /** * Events */ finish: function() { this.fireEvent('finish'); }, start: function() { this.fireEvent('start'); } });