Team:Slovenia/ABOUT US/students
Tina Ilc - Biosynthesiser
Tina Lebar - Zinc finger distributer
Tjaša Stošicki - HEK293 guardian
Nejc Tomšič - Oscillating director
Jernej Turnšek - Fluorescence manager
Matej Žnidarič - Captain Protein
Jure Bordon - Kinetics General
Rok Češnovar - deterministic towelboy
Mattia Petroni - Stochasta mastah
Rok Pustoslemšek - Ex Maya's boyfriend
Name: Tina Lebar
Study field: microbiology
Role in the team:
Zinc finger distributer
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
Tyr456 zinc finger: the rebel
Favourite part:
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
There are G, C, T, A and the Chuck Norris nucleotide. It is self complementary and forms four hydrogen bonds.
Lebi666 [at]
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Name: Tina Ilc
Study field: biochemistry
Role in the team:
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
Jazz, because I like the major groove
Favourite part:
DNA program
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris' carotenoids are hydrophillic and cells excrete them into the culture broth.
Tinailc [at]
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Name: Tjaša Stošicki
Study field: Biotechnology
Role in the team:
HEK293 guardian
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
PBSII, because it saved our project
Favourite part:
Vio operon
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
When Chuck Norris transfects cells, he just takes the plasmid and orders the cell: "Eat, b****."
tjasajeafna [at]
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Name: Nejc Tomšič
Study field: Medicine
Role in the team:
Oscillating director
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
TAL, because I don't like heavy metals
Favourite part:
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris' oscillator oscillates faster than light.
Tomsic.nejc [at]
[ LinkedIn]
Name: Matej Žnidarič
Study field: Biology
Role in the team:
Captain Protein
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
HivC, because it didn't cause any problems with purification
Favourite part:
What's this cloning all about?
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris gets HEK293 cells by scratching his kidney.
Name: Jernej Turnšek
Study field: biotechnology
Role in the team:
Fluorescence manager
Which DNA binding protein are you and why?
Gli1: "I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned."
Favourite part:
T7 promoter
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris' DNA is positively charged and has three grooves: minor, major and another one undefinable by common laws of nature.
jernej.turnsek.slo [at]
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Name: Rok Češnovar
Study field: computer science
Role in the team:
Deterministic towelboy
Which software application are you and why?
MediaWiki, beacuse I like to complicate my life.
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris is not afraid of the wiki freeze.
Name: Rok Pustoslemšek
Study field: computer science
Role in the team:
Ex Maya's boyfriend
Which software application are you and why?
Windows Media Player, because it always crashes the party.
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris made a Maya animation with a single doubleclick. Have you heard of Avatar?
rok.aao [at]
Name: Jure Bordon
Study field: computer science
Role in the team:
Kinetics general
Which software application are you and why?
Total Commander, because I like kicking it DOS old-school.
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
The base of Chuck Norris' deterministic model is the Poisson distribution.
jure.bordon [at]
[ LinkedIn]
Name: Mattia Petroni
Study field: computer science
Role in the team:
Stochasta mastah
Which software application are you and why?
Bash, because everything I do is scripted.
Favourite Chuck Norris fact:
Chuck Norris' stochastic model explains Einstein general theory of relativity.
mattia.petroni [at]
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