Talk:Team:IvyTech-South Bend/7 October 2010



Electroporating 2 parts with E-coli bacteria.

Parts I13521 and I 13522 will follow Electroporation protocol

I13521 - kv 1.8 ms 5.5 X 2

I13522 - kv 1.8 ms 5.5 X 2

After electroporation placed into 37C incubator for 1 hour then plate

Now doing a DNA extraction from E-Coli electroporated with part LacZ w/o GFP follong protocol p19

I spun down a 50 cc tube with LacZ w/o GFP in LB-Lennox for 10 min nwo following protocol

After extraction placed into -80C freezer in plastic IGem Box well Bottom Left well.

-- JHull 7 October 2010 Rchamberlin 20:23, 17 October 2010 (UTC)