Team:Stockholm/15 September 2010


Revision as of 12:40, 4 October 2010 by Mimmi (Talk | contribs)



Assembly of new parts

Transformation results

Good (white) colony yield on all plates. Picked 4 from each for colony PCR.

Colony PCR

  • pSB1K3.N-TAT⋅SOD⋅His: TAT.SH 1-4
  • pSB1K3.N-Tra10⋅SOD⋅His: Tra10 SH 1-4
  • pSB1A2.RBS.yCCS: RBS.y 1-4
  • pEX.SOD 1-4


  • pEX.RFP
  • pSB1A2.RBS
  • pSB1C3.SOD
  • pEX.SOD⋅His
  • pSB1C3.SOD⋅His

Standard colony PCR settings

  • Elongation: 1:20

Gel verification

Gel 1
Colony PCR gel verification of N-TAT⋅SOD⋅His and N-Tra10⋅SOD⋅His assemblies in pSB1K3.
4 μl λ; 5 μl sample.
λ = GeneRuler 1 kb DNA ladder.

1 % agarose, 90 V

Expected bands

  • pSB1K3.N-TAT⋅SOD⋅His: 854 bp
  • pSB1K3.N-Tra10⋅SOD⋅His: 884 bp
  • pSB1C3.SOD⋅His: 815 bp

Very unclear gel. Ladders are impossible to read. Two N-Tra10 clones (Tra10 SH1 and 2) seem to have migrated slightly slower than the SOD⋅His control, which may be a sign of successful insertion of Tra10. PCR samples will be analyzed again tomorrow.

Gel 2
Colony PCR gel verification of RBS(BBa_B0034).yCCS assemblies in pSB1A2.
4 μl λ; 5 μl sample.
λ = GeneRuler 1 kb DNA ladder

1 % agarose, 90 V

Expected bands

  • pSB1A2.RBS.yCCS: 1018 bp
  • pSB1A2.RBS: 250 bp

All bands at 250 bp, clearly showing that insertion of yCCS was unsuccessful. Incomplete digestion of pSB1A2.RBS with SpeI and PstI might be the cause of problem.

Gel 3
Colony PCR gel verification of pEX.SOD.
4 μl λ; 5 μl sample.
λ = GeneRuler 1 kb DNA ladder

1 % agarose, 90 V

Expected bands

  • pEX.SOD: 678 bp
  • pEX.RFP: 1385 bp
  • pEX.SOD⋅His: 702 bp

No pEX.SOD bands whatsoever, probably due to lack of template in PCR tubes. Will re-run colony PCR tomorrow.

Plasmid prep

From Johan's ON culture

DNA concentration
Sample Conc [ng/μl] A260/A280
pSB1C3.C-TAT 123.7 1.82

Assembly of His⋅SOD⋅C-TAT


[pSB1C3.C-TAT] = 123.7 ng/μl

10X FastDigest buffer 3
dH2O 8.8
DNA (2 μg) 16.2
NgoMIV 1
FD PstI 1
  30 μl
  • Incubation: 37 °C, 2:00 (NgoMIV); 0:30 (FD PstI)
  • Inactivation: 80 °C, 20 min


  • Vector: [Dig pSB1K3.RFP E+P 14/9] = 66.6 ng/μl
  • Insert 1: [Dig pMA.His⋅SOD E+A 14/9] = 66.6 ng/μl
  • Insert 2: [Dig pSB1C3.C-TAT N+P 15/9] = 66.6 ng/μl
10X T4 Ligase buffer 2
dH2O 0
Vector DNA 1.5
Insert 1 DNA 4.5
Insert 2 DNA 11
T4 DNA ligase 1
  20 μl
  • Incubation: 22 °C, 15 min


Standard transformation

  • 1 μl ligation mix
  • Km 50 plate

ON cultures

  • 3 ml LB + Cm 25; 30 °C
    • pSB1C3.C-TAT
  • 5 ml LB + Cm 25; 37 °C, 225 rpm
    • pSB1C3.N-TAT
    • pSB1C3.N-Tra10
    • pSB1C3.SOD


SOD.his / his.SOD / yCCS

glycerol stock / over expression

glycerol stock over expression
SOD.his x2 2ml + 10µl 10ml + 100µl *Start growing 9:30
his.SOD x2 2ml + 10µl 10ml + 100µl
yCCS x2 2ml + 10µl 10ml + 100µl

  • At OD=0.6 add IPTG /make glycerol stock (14:30)
    • Sample 0h
      • 1ml culture
      • Spinn down 13000rpm, 5min, remove LB
      • Resuspend in 100µl sample buffer
      • Heat in 95°C, 5min
      • Freeze
  • Sample 1h
  • Sample 2h
  • Sample 3h