Team:HokkaidoU Japan/Notebook/October2


Revision as of 15:10, 2 October 2010 by Sprkata (Talk | contribs)

Colony PCR

HokkaidoU Japan 20101002a.JPG
  • Performed Colonie PCR for 3 colonies which were incubated over night
  • Colony numbers were: 1, 2 and 3
  • Results showed no insertion
    • but when result came, had already done miniprep and prepared Sequencing Master Mix


  • Used Qiagen kit
  • Melted in 50 uL TE instead of H2O

Preparation for Sequencing

  • Mixed as shown in the table below

5x Sequencing Buffer 1.5uL 24.75 uL Ready Reaction Premix 1 uL 16.5 H2O 5 uL 80 uL total 7.5/sample

Reagent Amount Amount for 16.5
5x Sequencing Buffer 1.5uL 24.75 uL
Ready Reaction Premix 1 uL 16.5
H2O 5 uL 80 uL
Total 7.5/sample 121.25
HokkaidoU Japan 20101002b.JPG
HokkaidoU Japan 20101002c.JPG
HokkaidoU Japan 20101002d.JPG
HokkaidoU Japan 20101002e.JPG