Team:Lethbridge/Notebook/Lab Work/August


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August 3/2010

(In Lab: HB)

Objective: To restrict pBAD, sRBS, mRBS, TetR, dT and pTet for the assembly of pBAD-sRBS-TetR-dT-pTet

Method: Used Restriction of Plasmid DNA protocol.

  • A front verctor was made made in sRBS ,mRBS, dT plasmids using EcoRI and Xbal enzymes
  • pDNA that was cut out of plasmid for a front vector was pBAD, TetR, dT and pLacI using EcoRI and SpeI enzymes
  • A back vector was made in sRBS and mRBS plasmids with PstI and SpeI
  • pDNA that was cut out of plasmid for a back vector was TeTR and it was restricted with XbaI and PstI
pBAD-sRBS/mRBSsRBSOrangeXbaI and EcoRI
pBAD-sRBS/mRBSmRBSOrangeXbaI and EcoRII
sRBS/mRBS-TetRsRBSRedPstI and SpeI
sRBS/mRBS-TetRmRBSRedPstI and SpeI
sRBS/mRBS-TetRTetRTangoXbaI and PstI
TetR-dTTetRRedEcoRI and SpeI
TetR-dTdTOrangeXbaI and EcoRI
dT-pTetdTRedEcoRI and SpeI
dT-pTetpTetOrangeXbaI and EcoRI
pLAcI-sRBS/mRBSpLacIRedEcoRI and SpeI
pLAcI-sRBS/mRBSsRBSOrangeXbaI and EcoRI
pLAcI-sRBS/mRBSmRBSOrangeXbaI and EcoRI

  • For all reactions
    • 158 (µL) Milli-Q H2O
    • 10 (µL) Buffer
    • 0.5(µL) of each enzyme
    • 10 (µL) pDNA

Restriction was incubated for 1 hour at 370C

Harland to read over and make sure what i wrote is correct

August 3/2010 Evening

(In Lab:K.G J.S)

Objective: To run 1.5% agarose of restrictions: pBAD, sRBS, mRBS, TetR, dT and pTet for the assembly of pBAD-sRBS-TetR-dT-pTet

Method: Used a 1.5% agarose gel with 2 (µL) of loading dye and 10 (µL) of pDNA.

11kb ladder
2pTet (XbaI, EcoRI)good
3pTet (orange buffer)---
4dT (XbaI, EcoR)no good
5dT (orange buffer)---
6mRBS (SpeI, PstI) good
7mRBS (red buffer)---
8sRBS (SpeI, PstI) good
9sRBS (red buffer)---
10mRBS (XbaI, EcoRI) good
11mRBS (orange buffer)---
12sRBS (XbaI, EcoRl) good
13sRBS (orange buffer)---
14pet28(a) good
15100 bp ladder
16PSB1C3 not good
17PSB1C3 restriction digest---

1TetR (EcorI, SpeI) good
2TetR (red buffer)---
3pLacI (EcoRI, SpeI) good
4pLacI (red buffer)---
5Mms6can not tell
6Mms6 control---
7TetR (Xbal, PstI) good
8TetR (tango buffer)---
9pBAD (EcoRI, SpeI)good
10pBAD (red buffer)---
11dT (EcoRI, SpeI)good
12dT (red buffer)---
13pLacI (2)?
14dT control not good
15dT restriction
16100 bp ladder
17dT PCR product good
18Mms6 PCR product good
19pBAD PCR product good
20pLacI PCR product good

Objective: To ligate: pBAD-sRBS/mRBS, sRBS/mRBS-TetR, TetR-dT, dT-pTet, pLacI-sRBS/mRBS, Mms6-ptet28(a), dT-PSB1C3

Method:ligation protocol

15 (µL) pDNA in plasmid, and 15 (µL) of pDNA biobrick)

August 4/2010

(in Lab: JV)

Objective: PCR analysis of ligation product of aug 3/2010

will PCR:

  • ligations
    • pBAD-mRBS
    • pBAD-SRBS
    • SRBS-tetR
    • mRBS-TetR
    • dt-pTet
    • mms6-pET-28a
    • dt-pSBIC3
    • pLacI-SRBS
  • controls
    • pBAD
    • TetR
    • TetR
    • pLacI
    • Mms6
1X(µL)Master Mix(x16)(µL)
Milli-Q H2O41.8668.6
10x Pfu Buffer with MgSO4580
Forward Primer0.58
Reverse Primers0.58
Template DNA116
PFu polymerase0.23.2

Objective: Run PCR samples on a 2.5% agarose gel(1x TAE)for 70 minutes

lanecontentsSuccessful Ligation ?
150bp ladder---
2dt pSBIC3---
3dt pTetx
4dt control---
7TetR control---
10pLacI control---
11Mms6 pET-28ano band
12Mms6 control---
15pBad control---

all ligations were transformed

Objective: Transform

Method: used Competent Cell Transformation protocol

  • changes:
    • used 50µL aliquottes of DH5&alpha
    • did not pipette up and down once, the cells were just swirled 3 times
    • added 400µL SOC media, shoock at 370C for 90 min
    • platted 250µL and 150µL

Incubated from 12:00AM to 4;00 PM

- controlxx
+ contol:):)

"AUG 4" is not yet done

August 4/2010

Objective: To run 1.5% agarose of restrictions: pBAD, sRBS, mRBS, TetR, dT and pTet for the assembly of pBAD-sRBS-TetR-dT-pTet

Method: Used a 1.5% agarose gel with 2 (µL) of loading dye and 10 (µL) of pDNA.