Team:Sheffield/23 August 2010


Revision as of 12:12, 25 August 2010 by Tleach (Talk | contribs)

Monday 23rd August - Hello World

Great start to the week so it seems. We have successfully transformed our pgA promoter into E.coli, which means we now have our first biobrick. Time to get characterising and have it sent off to the registry. Some of the other transformants didn't manage to grow unfortunately, but luckily they were less important. On the modelling side of things we now have the curve we were looking for, so things are beginning to fit nicely.

The plans for the day were to grow up some of the successful cells for a plasmid miniprep tomorrow and to attempt another transformation with the biobricks. Tom and Caz worked on transcribing some of our interviews in the morning.

Evening plans are to celebrate Steve's birthday at Nii's, who posted a very interesting meal plan for the evening on facebook (not one for the faint hearted). We also had a team favourite, cake after lunch.

So after a round of delicious Carribean food, we played a team favourite game of 'Articulate', which leads us to...

Quote of the night: 'It's in Wales... and you smell people!' - Nii giving his best description of, wait for it... a limerick.