Team:Stockholm/3 August 2010


Revision as of 16:57, 5 August 2010 by AndreasConstantinou (Talk | contribs)



Plasmid prep.

From 2/8 ON cultures

Elution volume: 70 μl.

DNA concentration
Sample Conc. [ng/μl] A260/A280
pSB1A3 1 87.00 1.98
pSB1A3 2 120.3 1.92
pSB1A3 3 145.7 1.94
pSB1A3 4 58.72 2.01
pSB1C3 1 188.9 1.97
pSB1C3 2 101.2 2.00
pSB1C3 3 201.2 1.93
pSB1C3 4 147.7 1.92


To remove unwanted insertion of a C nucleotide located at the PstI site in the suffix, caused by cloning in the pEX vector, yCCS, SOD and IgG protease will be transferred to a new vector by digestion with SpeI.


  • IgG protease (on pSB1A3)
  • yCCS A (on pSB1C3)
  • yCCS B (on pSB1C3)
  • SOD (on pSB1C3)
  • pSB1C3 2
  • pSB1A3 2
Digestion tubes
[μl] IgGp
10X FastDigest buffer 5 5 5 5 5 5
dH2O 39 26 22 20 26 23
DNA (2 μg) 4 17 21 23 17 20
FD SpeI0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
FD EcoRI 1 1 1 1 1 1
  50 50 50 50 50 50

Only 0.5 μl of FD SpeI to save enzyme, since it is very expensive.

  1. Gentle mixing
  2. Incubation in 37 °C, 15 min
  3. Tubes returned to ice
  4. Promptly proceeded to ligation, without enzyme inactivation or DNA purification.


  • pSB1C3 + IgG prot.
  • pSB1A3 + yCCS A
  • pSB1A3 + yCCS B
  • pSB1A3 + SOD
Ligation tubes (vector:insert 1:5)
[μl] IgG + pSB1C3 SOD + pSB1A3 yCCS A + pSB1A3 yCCS B + pSB1A3
Vector DNA [100 ng] 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Insert DNA [500 ng] 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
5X Rapid Ligation buffer 4 4 4 4
T4 DNA ligase 1 1 1 1
  20 20 20 20
  1. Gently mixing
  2. Incubation 22 °C, 10 min
  3. Collection by 5 sec centrifugation
  4. Tubes returned to ice

Quick transformation

  1. 100 μl Top10 cells thawed
  2. 2 μl ligation mixture added to cells. Cells kept on ice ≈5 min
  3. Heat-shock in 42 °C, 30 sec
  4. Cells plated on LB agar with relevant antibiotics
    • 100 Amp
    • 25 Cm
  5. Incubation ON in 37 °C