Team:TU Delft/27 July 2010 content


Revision as of 12:49, 3 August 2010 by Jcnossen (Talk | contribs)

Alkane degradation

Yesterday's digestion products were checked on a gel.

1% agarose of plasmid check using digestion reaction. Gel runned at 100V for 1 hour. Of all samples 10 μL was loaded with 2 μL loadingbuffer. 5 μL was loaded of marker

Lane description:

# Description Expected length (bp) Status Remarks
1 SmartLadder n/a n/a
2 rubA3 + XbaI + PstI + PvuI 198,
3 undigested rubA3
4 rubA4 + XbaI + PstI + PvuI 207,
5 undigested rubA4
6 rubR + XbaI + PstI + EcoRI 1230
7 undigested rubR
8 ladA + XbaI + PstI + PvuI 1350,
9 undigested ladA
10 ADH + XbaI + PstI + EcoRI 777,
11 undigested ADH
12 ALDH + XbaI + PstI + PvuI 1521
13 undigested ALDH
14 J61100 + SpeI + PstI 2116
15 undigested J61100
16 J61101 + SpeI + PstI 2116
17 undigested J61101
18 J61107 + SpeI + PstI 2116
19 undigested J61107

As can be seen from the gel, all digestions went well, let's hope that the ligation / transformation also go well!


The ligation mixes were incubated overnight. We transformed 10 μL of these ligations in Top10 competent cells, and these were grown on LB-plates with antibiotic over night.

RBS Characterization

For our RBS characterization project, 5 different RBS sequences from the [ Anderson RBS family] where placed in front of GFP and measured over 18 hours using a Gen5 fluorenscence and absorbance plate reader 26 07 2010 Rbs.png

Strength was calculated by taking the mean of the ratio between the expression of known RBS ([ B0032]) and expression of Anderson RBS over some time. Expression being the measured fluorescence divided by measured biomass (absorbance, OD).

The measurements where taken from the part of the curve where optimal growth can be assumed, so from 0:40 until 2:30

RBS Strength
[ J61100] 0.047513
[ J61101] 0.119831
[ J61107] 0.065454
[ J61117] 0.038518
[ J61127] 0.087334
[ B0032] 0.300000

Next step: We want to relate the RBS sequence to the strength, so it might be possible to say predict something about the other Anderson RBS sequences.