Team:Stockholm/27 July 2010


Revision as of 23:42, 31 July 2010 by NinaSchiller (Talk | contribs)



Jensen et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37(Database issue):D412-6
Jensen et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009, 37(Database issue):D412-6




Colony PCR on IgG protease in shipping vector

I made a colony PCR on the IgG protease that I have inserted into the iGEM shipping vector to verify that the gene is inserted in a correct position. Therefore I used one of the gene's primers and one of the vector's verification primers. The colony numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

PCR reaction mix:

  • 1 µl Morten's polymerase PjuX7
  • 1 µl 10 mM dNTPs
  • 3 µl 5 µM forward primer (VF2)
  • 3 µl 5 µM revers primer (gene's primer)
  • 10 µl buffer 5X
  • 1 µl MgCl2 50mM
  • 30 µl H2O
  • DNA template was one colony

PCR program:

98°C - 2 min

31 cycles of:

  • 98°C - 10 sec
  • 55°C - 15 sec
  • 72°C - 1.5 min

72°C - 5 min

4°C - ∞


DNA Ladder: FastRuler™ Middle Range, ready-to-use, 100-5000 bp Fermentas

Colony number 2 looks good on the gel. This one will be inoculated in LB in order to become minipreped to be shipped to iGEM hq.

Mini prep on IgG protease and CPP

I prepare a miniprep on the inoculated IgG protease with colony number 2. In addition I miniprep three inoculated samples with vector carrying CPP from colony number 22, 23 and 33.

The method is carried out according to the procedure in protocols.

Measuring concentration with spectrophotometer:


Sequencing CPP TAT N version

I send three samples of CPP TAT N version for sequencing. Colony numbers are: 22, 23 and 33.

  • 15 ul vector
  • 1.5 ul 10uM VR2 primer

22: ASB0045 105

23: ASB0045 104

33: ASB0045 103