

Revision as of 12:36, 16 July 2010 by Imb10 (Talk | contribs)


>>Team KAIST-Korea

 Our iGEM 2010 team is composed of 12 students majoring in Bio and Brain Engineering and 00 advisors from KAIST. We are putting our best effort, since this is our first participation. We will do our best to be the leader in this competition. GO! GO! KAIST!


  KAIST (formerly the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), is located in Daedeok Science Town, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by Korean government in 1971 as the nation's first research oriented science and engineering institution. KAIST is one of the nation's most prestigious science and technology institutions.

>> Bio and Brain Engineering Dept

  It is our mission at the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering to cultivate specialized talent equipped to create new knowledge and added value in the fields of Bioengineering and Brain Engineering, which will lead the way for future societies by standing at the nexus of life sciences, the medical sciences, and engineering. The Department of Bio and Brain Engineering opened its doors in 2002 embracing the mission of donor Moon-Soul Chung who said, “Foster talent and develop technology that will feed and support future.” Analogous departments at prestigious universities around the world began at similar times indicating the cutting-edge nature of this department.

KAIST Korea Team

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