Team:Sheffield/13 July 2010


Revision as of 15:35, 13 July 2010 by Tleach (Talk | contribs)
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Tuesday 13th July - The team do some more labs. We started the day by finding our biobricks and locating the gene we were gonig to use. We decided to choose banana smell to start with for our first E.coli transformation... should get interesting if the transformation is successful - mmm banana Coli. We followed the procedure outlined by the IGEM for making cells chemically compotent, then froze most of the samples for future use. We then added the banana plasmid (in distilled water) to the samples, heat shocked and left to incubate at the correct temperatures according to the protocol. We also made a positive control with a 'non-banana' plasmid added to both strains. Left overnight on ampicillin agar, the samples should be ready in the morning to add iso-amyl alcohol to initiate some banana scent production in the bacteria.

Meanwhile we also worked on researching modelling and the protein/DNA sequence of BarA and CqsS.

Lunch: Boots lunch meal deals and packed lunches in city view cafe, Bioincubator, where we analysed synthetic biology in terms of good versus evil and had a round of random useless fact telling.