Team:METU Turkey Software/Judge


Revision as of 00:18, 28 October 2010 by Fsyauqy (Talk | contribs)

Since the judging form cant save a link with an anchor, we make this page to guide you to our page.. :) We develop and make available via the Registry an open source software tool that supports synthetic biology based on standard biological parts. Link to our page describing how to get this software: iGEM Wiki Page Name: We provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of our software tool, or a second, distinct software tools project. iGEM Wiki Page Name: We outline and detail a new approach to an issue of Human Practice in synthetic biology as it relates to our project, such as safety, security, ethics, or ownership, sharing, and innovation. Link to this information on our wiki. Page name: For iGEM 2010 teams are asked to detail how they approached any issues of biological safety associated with their projects. We answered the safety question. Click the provided link: For iGEM 2010 the description of each project must clearly attribute work done by the team and distinguish it from work done by others, including the host labs, advisors, and instructors. The link to that page: iGem: Is there any other information about your project you would like to highlight for the judges? METU_Turkey_Software: Yes, please click the link: