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 » Home » The Team

Raúl Rodríguez Barreiro

Valencia raul ms.jpg

Alias: Raúl, Chispas, The best!

Most hated scientist: John Napier

Barney Stinson: it's gonna be Legen.....wait for it...... Dary!

Favorite weapon against Zombies: Bate

Phrase: "Esta todo mal!!!!.... ah no no no." (something like: Everything is wrong!!!....oh no no no.)

Main Task: Everything you could imagine.

I'm studying Industrial Eng. in the speciality of Electronics and Automatics Systems. Since i remember, all my life i has been interested in Math, physics and electronics. Sorry i like the logic, i am engineer.

I accidentally discovered the competiton iGEM, but it has been a incredible and fantastic experience for me, which has allowed me to know a new whole world called Biology.

My partners, whom i call them "la pandilla basurilla", are really special people. We all have passed good and bad moments during the competition , but we always try to do the best that we can.

I see you all at MIT!!!