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We would like to say THANK YOU to our Angels without YOU we wouldn't be able to complete the project.

We want thank the scientists and students working on the third and forth floor at the faculty of biology at Warsaw University for their support and patience.

Especialy to Monika Radlińska, Monika Adamczyk-Popławska, Agnieszka Kwiatek, Aneta Kłyż from the department of virology, Katarzyna Jagusztyn-Krynicka, Łukasz Dziewit, Dariusz Bartosik and Jadwiga Baj from the department of bacterial genetics, Jacek Bielecki, Radosław Stachowiak and Jarosław Wiśniewski from department of applied microbiology.

We would like to thank Ewa Kolzłowska from immunology department for her help and advice during flow cytometry experiments. Piotr Przanowski from Nencki Institute, Sebastian Wojtysiak, Kacper Szkudlarek for suppord and comments.

We would like to thank Marcin Pałys, Vice-Rector for Development and Financial, Marta Kicińska-Habior Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. We would like to thank the Faculty of Biology for support especially our Deans: Joanna Pijanowska, Bożena Maciejewska, Jan Fronk, Małgorzata Suska-Malawska.