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Human practices | Activities | Outputs map

Human Practices Outputs


Our major output was the human practices report "Developing Human Practices Devices"

Identity interviews:

We conducted semi-structured interviews with our team members and with members from other teams across the world. We then produced a report on our interviews about iGEM identity.

You can see our interview questions list here.

Sociotechnical circuit:

Take a look at some images of the development process of making a sociotechnical circuit.

We produced a number of video montages of the images of the sociotechnical circuits maps. But they're huge files so we've drastically slimmed one down that you can see here. It's really small and poor quality but you can see how the coloured objects move over time. If you take a look at some of the images of making a sociotechnical circuit that will help you see what is happening too.

Socio-technical circuit diagrams show the final output format of this device.

To understand the sociotechnical circuit diagram you can read our key and explanation of the above circuit.

The major analysis of our sociotechnical circuit is in the main report (link above).

Lab ethnography notation device:

You can download the notation we developed here.

A good way to understand the notation device is to see a worked example, so you can see a notation snippet from the lengthy worked example of a series of transformations.

That whole series of transformations is also available in notation form.

A more detailed explanation of the device and its use is in the main report (link above).

Collage part:

Here are some pictures of our collage being made and some pics of the final object

To understand the collage part better you can read our main report (link above).


Whilst conducting our inteviews on identity we also asked some questions about ethics and regulation. We've written a report on the findings from these inteviews that shows how iGEMMERs think about ethics and suggests some ways to use our human practices devices to investigate more interesting ethical questions in future.



Human practices | Activities | Outputs map

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