Team:UT-Tokyo/HumanPractice May
May festival iGEM Japan
May Festival
We carried out "pre-iGEM Japan" to improve questions that we prepared for Human Practice iGEM Japan Project. Tokyo_Metropolitan took part in this project. We all used paper-based questionnaire during one of our university festival called Gogatsu-sai: May festival.
Targets, Terms, and Places
- Students, Others
- May festival - May 29, 30 at The University of Tokyo
- I. Please tell us if you have heard about the facts below.
- 1. We genetically inherit some part of characters and natures from our parents.
- [Knew it / Didn’t know it]
- 2. A gene decides which factors in one’s nature get passed down.
- [Knew it / Didn’t know it]
- 3. One receives a half set of genes from each of his parents.
- [Knew it / Didn’t know it]
- 4. Biodiversity is derived from how one inherits genes from his parents.
- [Knew it / Didn’t know it]
- 5. Have you ever heard of the term ‘biodiversity’?
- [Yes / No]
- 1. We genetically inherit some part of characters and natures from our parents.
- II. Please tell us if you have heard about the facts below.
- 1. Genes are, so to speak, tiny pieces. Have you ever been amazed to think that something so complex as our body is consisted of such ‘tiny pieces’?
- [Yes, once for a while / Yes, upon hearing so / Never]
- 2. Have you ever heard of the term ‘genetic modification’?
- [Yes / No]
- 3. It is possible to genetically modify living organisms and make them newly produce some useful proteins for mankind. (It might be possible to produce medicines which is hard to manufacture through chemical reactions for low cost.) Assuming that a good medicine for a certain critical illness but producing it requires a certain proteins produced by genetically modified bacteria, would you take it?
- [Yes / No]
- Why is this?
- 4. Genetically modified crops are commercially available these days. By genetically modifying, we can develop crops with some special characters such as tolerance against winds, floods, and pests, or as richness in a certain nutrient. Which would you prefer, inexpensive, chemical-free modified crops or crops cultivated with conventional pesticides?
- [Genetically modified Crops / Conventional pesticides]
- 5. Even though some groceries are labeled ‘no genetically modified organisms used’, it only means it contains less modified ingredients than 5%. Did you know the fact that the ‘Not Genetically Engineered’ products may actually contain modified food?
- [Yes / No]
- 6. They feed most of the domestic animals including beef food containing genetically engineered crops. Did you know it?
- [Yes / No]
- 7. Getting to know the fact above, how do you feel about eating meat?
- [It doesn’t matter / Feel uncomfortable / Unwilling to eat]
- 8. Fuels like bioethanol are extracted from genetically modified crops. What do you think about the use of modified crops to get fuels?
- [No problem / Feel awkward / Dislike]
- 9. Genetically modified plants can introduce new genes into wild-type plants around by spreading pollens and spores. It’s also possible that modified plants with high viability take over the ecological system, deriving the other wild-types away. What do you think about it?
- 10. Do you think it is fine for researchers to proceed studying about genetically engineering technology if it’s simply for scientific use and if they will keep modified organisms inside the labs?
- [Yes / No]
- 11. How do you feel if genetically engineering technology get developed enough to be available at markets?
- [Good / Not preferable]
- 12. Do you think DNA introduced in one’s body as food would negatively affect his health?
- Why is this?
- 1. Genes are, so to speak, tiny pieces. Have you ever been amazed to think that something so complex as our body is consisted of such ‘tiny pieces’?
We drove this survey during May festival at The University of Tokyo.
All data: