Team:Mexico-UNAM-CINVESTAV/Notebook/Week One


Revision as of 19:04, 27 October 2010 by Mar (Talk | contribs)

As summer project our experimental work began in August, after intensive brainstorming we finnaly decide

between two options.

*Inmunoresponse using Synthetic Biology.

*Cryobiology applied to plant crops.

After a selection process we chose the Cryobiology Project.

The final design of the expressions modules were as follow:


Next Notebook sheet is our reference for primers and ligations and for modules Assembly:


The AFP (Antifreeze Protein) was synthesized as follow:


Week #1

06th September - 10th September 2010


  • We got plasmid PSB1C3 from the Biobrick plate.
  • We prepared stock solutions of Cloramphenicol, Kanamicyn, Ampicilin.
  • Some LB agar and 35ug/ml cloramphenicol plates made up .
  • We al ready made quimio and electro-competent cells for transformation.
  • We transformed on E. coli cells strain DH5ALFA with the plasmid.


Finished competent cells and stored in aliquots in containers vials at -80 degrees.

We transformed DH5α cells with Psb1C3.


We have not obtained transformats cells.

We checked out the Cloramphenicol

dose and attempt again the transformation using Psb1C3.


The primers arrived

and we proceed to amplify the modules by PCR.


The amplification was ok and to quantify DNA concentrations

we had looking for a nano spectrophotometer.