Talk:Team:IvyTech-South Bend/19 October 2010




Today we are doing large scale DNA extractions from E-Coli Recovering t9002 and lac-z

first taking the OD of each tube

after Blacking spectrometer I will run a sample of each tube.

E-coli w/T9002 from 10/15/10 has an OD of .355 @600um

E-Coli w/LacZ from 10/15/10 has an OD of 3.49 @ 600um

Streaked E-coli w/T9002 from 10/12/10 has an OD of .363 @600um

  1. 2 Streaked E-Coli w/LacZ from 10/15/10 has an OD of 3.26 @ 600um

after I took 4 bottles from spec to hood and removed 5ml from each tube placing into 50 cc tubes with LB/Amp and then placed them int 37C inculbator

Then placed the 4 tubes extracted from and placed them into centrefuge to spin down to extract DNA.

Then following protocol from pg 19. After extracting the DNA I placed into fridge in back Room @ 4C.

Then made LB Broth in 3 1Lt flasks weighing 10 g in each LB mix then adding 500 ml to it, placed into microwave one time on beverage setting then into autoclave on liquid setting 121 C @ sw



I followed the protocol below

I changed my pipette tip each time to prevent cross contamination

IGEM Protocols/Restriction Digest

From At iGEM HQ we use this protocol for restriction digests along with enzymes purchased from NEB.


  • PCR tube
  • dH20
  • Enzymes (EcoRI, XbaI, SpeI, PstI)
  • BSA

  • Enzyme Buffer (NEBuffer 2)*

Notes: You should keep all materials on ice.


1. Add 500n~ of DNA to be digested, and adjust with dH20 for a total volume of 42.5ul.

2. Add 5ul ofNEBuffer 2 to the tube.

3. Add 0.5ul of BSA to the robe.

4. Add l ul of your first enzyme

5. Add l ul ofyour second e~e.(~¢,

6. There should be a total volume of 5(iul. Mix well and spin down.

7. Incubate the restriction digest at_3_7C for 30miri, and then 80C for 20min to heat kill the enzymes. l~e incubate in a thermocycler with a heat~-d lid

8. Run a portion of the digest on a gel, to check that both plasmid and part length are accurate. You may also use 2u of the digest (20mg of DNA) for Ligations.

New restriction and Ligation

Joe and I perfomed new restriction and ligation

We did the sam protocol for the first restriction and ligation

The DNA was put into thermocycler 30 min @ 37C and 20 min @ 80C

Stored @ 4.0C in thermocycler

  • unsure of the date
  • will be used for electrophoresis
