Team:Weimar-Heidelberg Arts/Project/Bio Bin


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"Is livestock breeding more ethical than the usage of synthetic life? Which way is the best and the most ecological? What is your decision?"

Christian Kieschnick

Product Description

This synthetic biodegradable bin is a synthetic organ system which uses up all of your biological waste and provides you with energy and milk. With our product you are supporting a world without miserable industrial food productions. 'BioBin' has the same characteristics of a cow, but is cleaner and feels no pain.

Technical Description

BioBin is a fully-synthetic organ system developed by our organ engineering core. The system consists of a organprotect-chamber giving the organ tissue an optimal living environment. The front of the 'BioBin' is funneled to allow easy insertion of all of your biological waste. The carbons contained in your organic waste can now by synthesized into milk by the bin's internal organism. Some of the remaining waste products are transformed into methane, which can be used to produce energy. The product is designed to be used like a little gas stove. The entire process is complete after just 14 hours. Any waste products are stored in a box at the top of the 'BioBin'. These revoked substrates can be used to fertilise your garden and potted plants, or can simply be flushed down the toilet.ical modules, so that a new moss type can be assembled in the final stage and synthesized by our treehugger-scientists.

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