Team:Michigan/Pili Expression


Revision as of 06:55, 10 July 2010 by Shanwu (Talk | contribs)

Michigan Header

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Week 1 - 6/28/2010 6/29/2010 6/30/2010 7/1/2010 - -
Week 2 - - - - - - -


Made a 500 mL batch of LB broth

  • When pouring in distilled water, pour a few mL at a time to avoid clumping.
  • It takes 20g of powder to make 1 L of broth

Sterilized broth using the autoclave

  • The temperature setting on the autoclave is off by a little bit
  • Set dial 2 notches below 134°C.


Started growing E. coli K12 cultures

  • Poured 2 mL of LB broth into a Falcon tube
  • Used strain of K12 from Dr. Lin's freezer
  • Placed in incubator shaker for 24 hrs.

Added and inventoried supplies from Dr. Pinto's lab.

  • Regular trash can be thrown out by going down one floor, then going outside to the trash bins.
  • Chemical wastes must be cleaned by calling OSEH.


Cryopreserved stock of K12

  • 1 mL located in the iGEM box in the Lin lab.
  • 1 mL located in the lab freezer.


Cryopreserved DH5α according to protocol procedure on 6/30/2010

  • Put 1 stock in -20°C fridge in 1239
  • Put the other stock in the -80°C fridge in the Lin lab


Obtain genomic DNA of CFT073 E. coli strain from Dr. Mobley's Lab

  • stored in -20°C fridge on ice