Future Works
Our Final Goal and Problem of Cross-talking implementationOur final goal is to develop the universal diagnosis kit for every disease whose antibody is produced. To perform this goal, the yeast should express modified antigen receptor of wanted disease, STAT1 proteins and have GFP gene whose promoter have GAS element. Most easiest way to way to detect existence of antigen is to express every antigen receptor on one yeast cell and integrate these signal into GFP with common STAT1 dimerization pathway. But this way have problems. Though the GFP is expressed, we can't sure which antigen is detected, because any antigen binding can turn on the GFP expression. Therefore, the cross-talking implementation can't be used for differential diagnosis because it can't eliminate any disease which can turn on the GFP expression. Disadvantage of All-in-OneOur Final SolutionLife Cycle of S.pombeHow to implement? |