Team:Tsinghua/Notebook/23 August 2010
Module I, group 2c
Digest eGFP with XbaI and EcoRI. digestion system
eGFP 3ul FD Buffer 2ul XbaI 0.5ul Dra III 0.5ul H2O 14ul
Digest mCherry fragment with Dra III. digestion system
mCherry 3ul FD Buffer 2ul Dra III 1ul H2O 14ul
Digest Kan fragment with Dra III and SpeI. digestion system
Kan 3ul FD Buffer 2ul Dra III 0.5ul SpeI 0.5ul H2O 14ul
Digest Chlr fragment with EcoRI and PstI. digestion system
Kan 3ul FD Buffer 2ul Dra III 0.5ul SpeI 0.5ul H2O 14ul
Digest plasmid PSB1C13 with XbaI and SpeI, AP is used to phosphorylate the 5' end of digestion result. digestion system
PSB1C13 4ul FD Buffer 2ul XbaI 0.5ul SpeI 0.5ul AP 0.5ul H2O 12.5ul
12h after digestion, the products are purified with kit.