Team:ETHZ Basel/Achievements
Achievements Overview
BioBrick Toolbox
Get a glimpse of our collection of BioBricks that showcases the proteins we made for E. lemming's chemotaxis, cellular anchoring, light sensing & fluorescence reporting, including our favorites: the light sensing couple PhyB-Pif3 and the Archaeal light receptor.
MATLAB Toolbox (Lemming Toolbox)
As a result of our efforts to make all our computer based tools & algorithms modular and re-usable, we have assembled the entire in silico setup of the E. Lemming into a MATLAB Toolbox that includes 18 Simulink blocks that encapsulate the algorithms we developed/implemented. This is available for [ downloading].
New Technical Standard
After weeks of cloning with [ BBF RFC28] we came up with a strategy for this to be easily be made compatible to Tom Knight`s original assembly standard.
Model of light-inducible chemotaxis pathway
We made a model to control the chemotaxis by using light. The idea was to use Light Seceptive Proteins to change the concentrations of the proteins responsible for chemotaxis, in such a way that the motion of the cell can be controlled the way we want.
Movement Model
We made a probabilistic model to realistically simulate the chemotaxis motion of the cell, which responds to the light input that is converted into changes in the chemotaxis pathway, that influence the motion of the E. lemming.
μPlateImager - software for the microscope
We developed μPlateImager, a platform independent software which enables the parallel acquisition of images and the remote control of light input signals to control our E. lemmings with light, while having them under the lens.
E. lemming - The Game
We have made a synthetic biology shooting game featuring our very own E. lemming!
We developed five different controllers that can be used to guide the E. lemming to a desired target, using the light inputs that influence the motion of E. lemming
Systems Design
See how we managed to use modeling to support the wetlab and vice versa when we designed the system.
Systems Implementation
Have a look at how we simulated the whole setup in silico.