SDU-Denmark/6 July 2010


Revision as of 19:42, 6 July 2010 by CKurtzhals (Talk | contribs)
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Morning Meeting:

A morning meeting was held with our supervisors and instructors, to determine the overall structure of our lab activities. We came to consensus on dividing into three lab groups and a modelling group. The three lab groups will be working on:

-The ninaB brick

-The FlhDC operon

-The Photosensor

Each group will be responsible for further development of their bricks, construction and planning of experiments to characterize them. The modelling group will be responsible for advising groups on what characteristics to model.

We've planned for the crash course team to attempt transformation of our bacteria with the cambridge part. These transformed strains will be used by the retinal group.

We further reached consensus on office hours, cake issues and calendar issues.

In the lab:

Participants in the lab-crash-course v. 2.0 have conducted to experiments. Both failed, but we have learned lessons for further lab-work.

- Purification of Genomic DNA: We failed to collect a sufficient biomass. Use overnight cultures from now on.

- Quick and dirty microwave-oven + primer PCR amplification of FlhDC operon: We might not have nuked the bacteria enough, or we might fave failed to design our pcr process properly. (did we remember primers?!)

Phototaxis (Retinal and Fusion protein.)

Progress report: From now on the phototaxis group will consist of Maria, LC, Tommy and Chritsian. We will prioritize work on the Drosophila retinal enzyme gene, until we get physical DNA for the synthetic protein.

If we fail to establish contact with Spudich lab within 14 days, our work will shift to synthesizing the protein ourselves, using physical DNA from halobacteria and e. coli, together with the sequence and the recipe for success, found in their article.

--CKurtzhals 19:42, 6 July 2010 (UTC)




Tommy and Maria have worked on our office environment and calendar.

--CKurtzhals 19:42, 6 July 2010 (UTC)