Team:Stockholm/24 July 2010


Revision as of 10:52, 26 October 2010 by JohanNordholm (Talk | contribs)
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Colony PCR

  • A colony PCR on the TAT CCP (N-version) was performed as the result from the last gel electrophoresis (insert date) was just a smear on almost all bands. The reason was most probably too much genomic DNA (too much colony picked), so less of the colonies was picked and the final volume was increased from 25 µl to 50 µl.
  • A colony PCR on the LMWP CCP (N- & C-version) was performed as the result from Mimmis gel electrophoresis was just empty bands (insert date).
  • TAT: colonies #1-41 +insert, #42-43 -insert.
  • LMWP: colonies #1 -insert, #3-24 +insert.
  • PCR reaction mix
    • 1 µl Pfu polymerase
    • 1 µl 10 mM dNTPs
    • 3 µl 10 µm f.primer (VF2)
    • 3 µl 10 µm r.primer (VR)
    • 5 µl Pfu buffer 10x
    • 32 µl H2O (miscalculation, should have been 37 µl)
  • PCR program
    • 98 °C - 2 min
    • 35 cycles of
      • 98 °C - 10 sec
      • 55 °C - 15 sec
      • 72 °C - 30 sec
    • 72 °C - 5 min
    • 4°C - ∞


Transformation of IgG protease in shipping vector

I transformed 100 ul of competent top 10 cells with 3 ul IgG protease in the shipping vector. This was plated on dishes with chloramphenicol resistance.

The transformation method was carried out according to the procedure described in protocols.

Mini prep of CPP transportan 10 version C

I carried out a mini prep of CPP transportan 10 version C colony numbers 9 and 40.

The mini prep method was carried out according to the procedure described in protocols.

Measuring concentration with spectrophotometer:




colony PCR

Mix (µl) X8 F primer: pSB1_VF2 conditions
H2O 22.5 180 R primer: pSB1_VR time °C
F primer 1 8 2m 94
R primer 1 8 30s 94 )
DNA 0.5 8X0.5 30s 60 > 30 cycles
tot 25µl 45s 72 )
10m 72
oo 10


LB 5ml Gel
Cm 10µl well sample
Colony 9.5µl 1 ladder
2 CA
3 CB
4 CC
5 NA
6 NB
7 NC
8 control
9 blank control

  • Something wrong in the PCR conditions?
--> Try longer elongation time
--> Mix more carefully...
  • Give to Nina and Johan
    • pSB1T3.SOD
    • 3 plates of Cm
    • 3 plates of Km
    • colonies with LMWP
    • plates with LMWP

The Faculty of Science at Stockholm University Swedish Vitiligo association (Svenska Vitiligoförbundet) Geneious Fermentas/ Sigma-Aldrich/