Team:TU Delft/Collaboration/acknowledgements
We would like to thank:
Our instructors
For the introduction in the lab and the procedures. We are also very gratefull for the efforts to arrange all our needs.
- Ing. Esengül Yildirim
For modelling advice and constructive comments on our progress.
- Dr. Aljoscha Wahl
- Dr. Alessandro Abate
Of course, we want to thank all of you for the great times we had during our iGEM project!
The Enzymology Department
For hosting our team by providing lab space.
- Prof. dr. Simon de Vries
Department of Biotechnology
All the people that made it possible to do this project by providing permits.
- Prof. dr. Han de Winde
- Dr. Lesley Robertson
- Dr. Simon de Goede
- Jos Lispet
The assistance of all advisors is very much appreciated for all tips and help to improve our protocols and experiments.
- Dr. Domenico Bellomo
- Ir. Amit Deshmukh
- Dr. Emrah Nikerel
- Ir. Stefan de Kok
- Drs. Janine Kiers
The Chemical Engineering Department
For the use of the Gas Chromotograph
- Maarten Gorseling
- Remco van Oosten
The people involved in our ethical research
For reading and evaluating the ethical literature study and also made possible for us to participate the documentary 'Who owns you'
- Dr. David Koepsell
- Taylor Roesch
Communication Department Delft University of Technology
For giving us tips dealing with press
- Michel van Baal
- Nathalie Hugoosgift
Giving us the opportunity to making a short movie about our project.
- Lidy Knol
- Astrid Ventevogel
Science Centre and Tinker
We are very gratefull for giving us the freedom to make education movies for the Science Museum to our own insight. We are also obliged for the opporunity to collaborate with the decorating the Biotech room. The sponsoring for the development of the serious game was very much appreciated.
- Michael van der Meer
- Roel Bolhuis
- Stan Boshouwers
- Timo van der Horst
- Rudger Schuit
Game developers
Supervising the game developers
- Dr. Rafael Bidarra
Programming of the game
- Sverre Rabbelier
- Michel de Ridder
- Thomas Rens
- Martijn Rentmeester
Making the graphics of the game
- Marin Licina
Rathenau institute
For the nice collaborating with the workshops
- Dr. Dirk Stemerding
For the professional photoshoot
- Cora van Nieuwkerk
For converting our logo to vector images
- Stan Brinkman
The people that attended the brainstorming sessions and BT work discussion at the start of the project
Special thanks to everyone participating in our activities on issues in synthetic biology
- The people we interviewed during Night of the Nerds
- Prof. dr. Patricia Osseweijer