

Revision as of 06:28, 26 October 2010 by GregOwen (Talk | contribs)


Our Project: Two Designs for Ratio Detection

Our team decided to pursue two different systems for detecting ratios. While both systems receive two input signals, the output they give is different, allowing them be applied in different situations. Here's a brief rundown of the two designs (you can see more by clicking through to the individual project pages).

The First Sensor

Method: Small RNA Interference

Output: One of two possible proteins, depending on whether the ratio of input chemicals lies above or below a predetermined threshold

Useful: For reporting on a situation with a boolean output: disease detection, preterm labor warning, cancer metastasis warning

The Second Sensor

Method: Kinase/Phosphatase Regulation of a Transcription Factor

Output: One output protein whose concentration is linearly dependent on the ratio of the input chemicals

Useful: For acting in a situation requiring a graded response: drug delivery, metabolic flux control, detailed ratiometric reporting

Both sensors are modular in that the input and output molecules can be changed without affecting the interior mechanism of the device. We see many applications for this device, including more efficiently regulated metabolic engineering, targeted drug delivery, detection of preterm labor (the ratio of different types of vaginal bacteria has been linked to spontaneous preterm birth, reference), and the discovery of other significant biological ratios.


Medal Requirements

Bronze Medal

  1. Register the team, have a great summer, and have fun attending the Jamboree.
  2. Successfully complete and submit a Project Summary form.
  3. Create and share a Description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki
  4. Present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree
    Booked our plane tickets!
  5. Enter information detailing at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device in the Registry of Parts
  6. Entered information for each new part or device should at least include primary nucleic acid sequence, description of function, authorship, any relevant safety notes, and an acknowledgement of sources and references.
  7. Submit DNA for at least one new BioBrick Part or Device to the Registry of Parts.

Silver Medal

  1. Demonstrate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected.
    Waiting for lab results...
  2. Characterize the operation of at least one new BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information on the Parts or Device page via the Registry of Parts
    Waiting for lab results...

Gold Medal

  1. Characterize or improve an existing BioBrick Part or Device and enter this information back on the Registry.
    When sequencing one of our ligations, we noticed an unexpected sequence in our results. After more investigation, we determined that that sequence came from the Distribution part [ BBa_E1010], and that the part sequence listed on the Parts Registry was incomplete.
  2. Help another iGEM team by, for example, characterizing a part, debugging a construct, or modeling or simulating their system.
    With our Twitter project, we hope to help all iGEM teams by facilitating collaboration between teams. Read more about it here!