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Daniel Tamarit

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Since I was a kid, I have been deeply interested in learning how the Universe works. Born and raise in a family where the rational criteria were primary, the basis of science was already founded in my way of thinking. I wouldn’t know until later, but the contents of vast topics like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology were going to passionately call my attention. Meanwhile, I also discovered the pleasure of diving into the written worlds of many great men of letters, as distant as Stendhal, Süskind or the catalan writer Quim Monzó between others. Many others would follow, including novelists like García Márquez and Kundera, poets like Benedetti and Neruda or popular science writers like Jacob, Brenner and Dawkins.

Although it was a difficult choice, I finally decided to study Biology. The possibility to unravel the mysteries of life really captivated me. The inner rhythm of cells was overwhelming. Now I can see I made no mistake. Nevertheless, there are some holes in this specialized education that I plan to partially fill in a long term. In this direction, I have just begun studies in Physics this year, with which I expect to obtain important mathematical skills and a wider perspective of the processes under study.

So far I have had the opportunity to acquire a general knowledge of some of the aspects that govern the complexity of life as we know it. My interest about evolutionary biology has even increased during my journey in the university. The extraordinary power of evolution to explore an incredibly high number of possible ways of life is, at least, spectacular. On the other hand, this view leaves one unresolved riddle: the problem of the origin of life itself. Although it has been an issue that has always attracted me, my interest about it has also developed during the last years, and it constitutes a topic in which I would really like to work in some years.

The iGEM competition has allowed me to deepen my notions in several basic biotechnology techniques. I don’t need to emphasize how important it is nowadays to be able to design and conduct experiments concerning an established project. Doubtlessly, all the hours spent in the lab the last months (and believe me if I say that they were a lot) will become very useful in a near future. The experience was very rich, too. Getting to know and working with students with a quite different profile has been a very interesting additive. And, of course, many new friendships and deeper old ones. Finally, I have to say that I am really looking forward to the jamboree: visiting the MIT, Cambridge and Boston and meeting students from other universities with whom we can share interests. Sounds great, don’t you think?