Talk:Team:IvyTech-South Bend/Saftey


General Lab Safety:

1. NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE LABORATORY. This included candy, gum, and snacks.

2. No unnecessary items will be brought into the work areas of the laboratory. An area will be disignated for the storage of purses, coats and those textbooks that are not needed in the lab. The student is allowed to bring notebook or pad and writing utensil into the lab work area.

3. Apparel with long sleeves should not be worn when using lab facilities. No jackets or coats are to be worn in the lab with the exception of lab coats.

4. If you have long hair, it needs to be tied back or covered with a hair net.

5. The following steps must be followed when entering and leaving the lab:

A. Place non essential items in the designated storage area

B. Before setting anything on top of the lab bench, wash the lab bench with disinfectant

C. If you leave the lab for any reason, wash your hands

D. Upon completion of your work, all equipment and supplies should be returned to their proper place, and wash the lab bench again!

E. Wash your hands before leaving the lab.

6. If there are spills or accidents report them immediately to the faculty advisor for further instructions on how to clean up the spill.

--Rchamberlin 19:59, 23 June 2010 (UTC)

Microorganism Safety

1 NO Eating, Drinking, or Applying Make Up.This included candy, gum, and snacks

2 Wear protective clothing: Safety Glasses, lab coat, and glove is you are working directly with micro organisms and Safety Glasses if you are observing.

3 Know the location of fire exits, fire extinguishers and safety showers.

4 Wash hands regularly, especially after working with microorganisms or chemicals.

5 Be aware of potential dangers before using products or equipement. Read labels , protocols and equipment instruction or literature carefully. Know the location and how to read the MSDS.

6 Contaminated samples (chemical, biological, glass, and radioactive wastes) must be disposed of in appropriate containers. DO NOT pick up broken glass with your hands. Learn specific methods from the lab supervisor

7 Always disinfect bench tops before and after use with antiseptic wipes

8 Always label all plates (on the bottom not the lid) and tubes with name, iGEM2010 and bench number.

9 Wash your hands before leaving the lab, even if you have worn gloves.

--Rchamberlin 19:53, 23 June 2010 (UTC)