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LENS EXIBHITION The LeNS conference is held as a conclusive event to the LeNS project, funded by the EU for the Asia link program which aims at the development and diffusion design for sustainability in design institutions. The conference was held in Srishti this year and we set up an Art Science Bangalore exhibit This year the conference was held in Bangalore hosted by Srishti. We were given an opportunity to set up an exhibit at the conference. We displayed our Jugaad Lab and a DNA cocktail stall where the guests were served cocktails made of their very own DNA. We also projected a C.elegans plate magnified by our handmade microscope.

JUGAAD LAB The Jugaad lab is a genetic engineering lab built by Artists and Designers, to conduct genetic engineering experiments of their own. It consists of the basic equipments used for any experiment . ( for example , a Sterile hood , an incubator, a centrifuge , a water bath ) Further more , the lab is made out of locally available materials and is built by the students after a lot of research on their functioning and use . The idea was to find alternative ways of re-creating a lab setup that is cheap and functional. We achieved so at 1/3rd the price of an actual lab. We also realized that getting protocols for experiments was a big issue . so we created a react table that gives protocols and equipment information.

PUBLIC INTERVENTION Mock tails: A public intervention was conducted , people were told that we hat we had created ‘’genetically’ engineered’’ mock tails (when they were just concoctions of juices and flavors. The idea was to document people’s reaction to the concept of genetic engineering. One comes up with his/her true feelings about an object when it is directly related to him or her ,And what better than drinks ? Quite a few people didn’t have a problem consuming the genetically engineered drinks , they thought more or less everything in this modern world is engineered ‘’ Even fruits are engineered dude’’. Few were aware of what we were talking about. Others were disgusted by the idea and taste of genetically engineered drinks .