// Place your application-specific JavaScript functions and classes here // This file is automatically included by javascript_include_tag :defaults /*var cahnge_content = new Fx.Slide('demo2', { wait: false });
$$('.section').each{ function() } $('demo2run1').addEvent('click', function(){ demo2effect.toggle('vertical'); });
$('demo2run2').addEvent('click', function(){ demo2effect.toggle('horizontal'); });*/
// Effect.Chain and Effect.Delayed Chain? // // Simply fires the Effect for multiple elements sequently (or delayed in the case of Delayed Chain?). // // Sample usage: // // // new Effect.Chain( // 'Fade', // The effect name // $$('div.test'), // an array of elements // { duration: 0.5 } // options for the effect itself // ); // // // new Effect.DelayedChain('Appear', $$('ul#test li'), { duration: 0.5 }, 100); // Fires an Effect.Appear for each element with a delay of 100 m
Effect.DelayedAppear = Class.create();
Object.extend(Effect.DelayedAppear.prototype, {
initialize: function(elements, options, timeout){ this.elements = elements; this.elements.each(function(element){ element.hide();}); this.effect = 'Appear'; this.timeout = timeout || 100; this.options = Object.extend({}, options || {});
this.afterFinish = this.options.afterFinish || Prototype.emptyFunction; this.options.afterFinish = Prototype.emptyFunction; setTimeout(this.action.bind(this),1); }, action: function() { if(this.elements.length){ new Effect[this.effect](this.elements.shift(), this.options); setTimeout(this.action.bind(this), this.timeout); } else { if(this.afterFinish) this.afterFinish(); } }
Effect.DelayedChain = Class.create();
Object.extend(Effect.DelayedChain.prototype, {
initialize: function(effect, elements, options, timeout){ this.elements = elements; this.effect = effect; this.timeout = timeout || 100; this.options = Object.extend({}, options || {});
this.afterFinish = this.options.afterFinish || Prototype.emptyFunction; this.options.afterFinish = Prototype.emptyFunction; setTimeout(this.action.bind(this),1); }, action: function() { if(this.elements.length){ new Effect[this.effect](this.elements.shift(), this.options); setTimeout(this.action.bind(this), this.timeout); } else { if(this.afterFinish) this.afterFinish(); } }
Effect.Chain = Class.create(); Object.extend(Effect.Chain.prototype, {
initialize: function(effect, elements, options){ this.elements = elements || []; this.effect = effect; this.options = options || {}; this.afterFinish = this.options.afterFinish || Prototype.emptyFunction; this.options.afterFinish = this.nextEffect.bind(this); setTimeout(this.nextEffect.bind(this), 1); }, nextEffect: function(){ if(this.elements.length) new Effect[this.effect](this.elements.shift(), this.options); else this.afterFinish(); }
// raplaces PNGs for internet explorer boring bug function replacePng(){
// html attribute helper function htmlAttribute(attributeName, value){return ' '+attributeName+'="'+value+'" ';} version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]); if (version >= 5.5 && document.body.filters) { $$('img').each(function(image){ name = image.src.split('?')[0]; if ( name.substring(name.length-3, name.length).toLowerCase() == "png" ) { new_style = "display:inline-block;" +";" //+ (image.align.length)?";float:"+image.align+";":"" + (image.parentElement.href ? "cursor:hand;":"" ) + "width:"+image.width+"px; height:"+image.height+"px;" + "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader" + "(src=\'" + image.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale');"; new_style = htmlAttribute('style', new_style); new_class = htmlAttribute('class',image.className);//singular, but gets all the classes new_id = htmlAttribute('id',; new_title = htmlAttribute('title', image.title); new_alt = htmlAttribute('alt', image.alt); new_html = ''; // alert(new_html); Element.replace(image, new_html); } }); }
function switchBackground() {
ie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent); element = $('body'); element.addClassName('white'); if (ie) { new Effect.Fade("logo", {duration:0.2}); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#ffffff'} );}, 600); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#cc6699'} );}, 500); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#99ccff'} );}, 400); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#006699'} );}, 300); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#003366'} );}, 200); setTimeout(function(){element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#000033'} );}, 100); } else { element.setStyle( {backgroundColor:'#000000'} ); new Effect.Morph('body', {style:'background:#ffffff;'} ); }
// return false; }
/* Add a new smooth transition with Effect. Transitions.slowstop. This transition starts very quickly, but comes to a gradual stop. Great for scrolling somewhere on a page with a duration of 2. sunsean
- /
Effect.Transitions.slowstop = function(pos) {
return 1-Math.pow(0.5,20*pos);
} /* Here is a custom effect that I made. It allows you to scroll inside an element that’s overflow is set to auto or scroll. Usage: new Effetc.Scroll(‘element-id’, {x: 10, y: 100});
- /
Effect.Scroll = Class.create(); Object.extend(Object.extend(Effect.Scroll.prototype, Effect.Base.prototype), {
initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ x: 0, y: 0, mode: 'absolute' } , arguments[1] || {} ); this.start(options); }, setup: function() { if (this.options.continuous && !this.element._ext ) { this.element.cleanWhitespace(); this.element._ext=true; this.element.appendChild(this.element.firstChild); } this.originalLeft=this.element.scrollLeft; this.originalTop=this.element.scrollTop; if(this.options.mode == 'absolute') { this.options.x -= this.originalLeft; this.options.y -= this.originalTop; } else { } }, update: function(position) { this.element.scrollLeft = this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft; this.element.scrollTop = this.options.y * position + this.originalTop; }
}); /* Effect.ScrollMod = Class.create(); Object.extend(Object.extend(Effect.Scroll.prototype, Effect.Base.prototype), {
initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); var options = Object.extend({ x: 0, y: 0, mode: 'absolute', targetElement: null } , arguments[1] || {} ); this.start(options); }, setup: function() { this.targetElement = $(this.options.targetElement); Position.prepare(); alert(Position.cumulativeOffset(this.targetElement)); alert(Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element)); //if (this.options.targetId != null){ alert('true'); Position.prepare(); var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.targetElement)-Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); this.options.x += offsets[0]; this.options.y += offsets[1]; //} if (this.options.continuous && !this.element._ext ) { this.element.cleanWhitespace(); this.element._ext=true; this.element.appendChild(this.element.firstChild); } this.originalLeft=this.element.scrollLeft; this.originalTop=this.element.scrollTop; if(this.options.mode == 'absolute') { this.options.x -= this.originalLeft; this.options.y -= this.originalTop; } else { } }, update: function(position) { this.element.scrollLeft = this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft; this.element.scrollTop = this.options.y * position + this.originalTop; }
Element.prototype = Object.extend(Element.prototype, {
insideScrollTo: function(element, x, y) { element = $(element); var originalLeft = parseFloat(element.scrollLeft || '0'); var originalTop = parseFloat(element.scrollTop || '0'); element.scrollTop = y + this.originalTop; element.scrollLeft = x + this.originalLeft; return element; }
Effect.InsideScrollTo = Class.create(); Object.extend(Object.extend(Effect.ScrollTo.prototype, Effect.Base.prototype), {
initialize: function(element) { this.element = $(element); this.start(arguments[1] || {}); }, setup: function() { Position.prepare(); var offsets = Position.cumulativeOffset(this.element); if(this.options.offset) offsets[1] += this.options.offset; var max = window.innerHeight ? window.height - window.innerHeight : document.body.scrollHeight - (document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight); this.scrollStart = Position.deltaY; = (offsets[1] > max ? max : offsets[1]) - this.scrollStart; }, update: function(position) { Position.prepare(); window.scrollTo(Position.deltaX, this.scrollStart + (position*; }