Team:HKU-Hong Kong/Team


Revision as of 12:14, 16 October 2010 by Silicin (Talk | contribs)

The team

the team :D

Who we are


  • Advisor: Dr. JD Huang
  • Grad Student :
Mr. Yu Bin


Ms. Shi Lei


  • Undergrads:
Wong Ho Yin Bosco
Raymond Ka Ho Yip

Principal investigators:
Hkung1.jpg Ng Siu Yan, Trista DSC02354.jpg
I am Trista. I was born in HK. I am a year 3 student studying Biotechnology and Microbiology. I like watching movies and reading leisure books. It is a special experience to participate in the iGEM competition. In my team, I am responsible for the investigation of the project and what I have to do are the practical parts. My team members and I are actually having a great time in the lab. I enjoy the time when we are working together. It is a valuable chance to work with them. I am so happy working with my nice partners.
Salma Jalal
Hi, I am going into my second year of undergraduate studies majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I applied to iGEM in an attempt to broaden my knowledge of not only theoretical but also practical Biochemistry, since previously I have only enrolled in one elementary course in the subject. Having had no previous lab experience, I have made my share of mistakes in the lab, but it is all worth the relief and pride you feel when an experiment finally gives you the result you want. I am really happy to have been given the chance to be a private investigator and to work with the most wonderful teammates.

DSC02358.jpg Tse Kung Ki, Quatre DSC02361.jpg
Hi! This is Quatre. I am a Year 3 undergraduate student at HKU doing Chemistry and Finance. iGEM provides me a valuable experience in synthetic biology, which I have never heard of before. I pretty enjoy the time I spent on iGEM, the laboratory work, the human practices and video shooting. iGEM is indeed a very nice competition and I am looking forward to seeing you guys at MIT this November!!
He Peng, Brian
I'm a second year student studying Biochemistry as my major with Statistics and Computer science as my two minors. And I’m also the only student who is so energetic as to make such a choice in my university. I think a good scientist should have the ability to see the nature behind large amounts of data and explain a phenomenon quantitatively and precisely, and that's why I try to get myself armed with the knowledge of Statistics and Computer science. In our HKU iGEM team, I work as one of the seven principal investigators to connect theory to practice. It's really fun to spend time in lab day and night seeking for the secrets of synthetic biology. And it is iGEM competition that lets me enjoy the joys of teamwork and learn to overcome hardships in research.

DSC02349.jpg Hui Wai Wai, Nadia DSC02352.jpg
I am a sophomore accounting and finance major in the business school with a minor in biochemistry. You might wonder why a business student would be interested in pure science research work and how I can be of help. What fascinate me are the boundless possibilities that exist in genetic engineering, and how iGEM makes it possible to gather brilliant ideas from all around the globe. Indeed, it takes me some efforts to catch up with the lab techniques. But with the support from my team members, everything is so much easier. I have to express my gratitude to the team leaders that trusted my ability and I am proud to be part of the team. With everyone’s efforts, our research is progressing well, and we will work together to make our idea of suicide gene possible. May I wish iGEM 2010 a success.
Tsui Wai Man, Cindy(acting artistic director)
“To be or not to be, that’s the question.”- Shakespeare.

I am Cindy, one of the principal investigators of the team this year; I also work on the wiki& art as a novice :P. Joining the iGEM team as a year III chemistry student is quite a big decision for me. Biochemistry, despite its verbal relation to chemistry, is a novel subject to me. Decided to make the best of my final year in the university, I explore more in other aspects other than my own major- engaging in this project and doing psychology are two of them. I am certain that devotion to the project would be an thought-provoking experience.

62059.jpg Chan Kit Yu, Ako Kann.jpg
Hi everybody, I am Ako. I am a Year two undergraduate of the science curriculum in the University of Hong Kong, taking biochemistry as major subject and chemistry as minor subject. I like playing basketball in leisure time and I do play in teams as well.

I joined the iGem competition since I hope I will be capable to handle and, at least, acknowledge some background information of those skillful techniques useful in the biochemistry laboratories.

Ip Pui Kan, Kan
Hello guys. I am Kan. I am a Year 3 student majoring in biochemistry. I particularly like the environment and I believe that we, human, by making good use of knowledge in biology, can live with the Mother Nature harmoniously. I like playing hockey and soccer. Manchester United is my favorite team. The States is a great place. I can’t wait to visit one of the most famous universities in the world.

  • Human Practices:
Geor1.jpg Leung Man Hong, George
I am Leung Man Hong, George, a biochemistry student from HKU. In this year, I would like to explore the world of synthetic biology and use the power of genetic engineering to make some advancement in human living. We are going to design a Bio-safety Net so as to minimize the harmful effect of some human activities to the environment. I hope that we will succeed and try to make a step to do something for our home, The Earth, as a scientist.

  • Modeling:
DSC02359.jpg SHI Yuan, Sean
Hi, I'm Sean, nice to join iGEM! I'm a maths & physics major student and I also minor chemistry. I'm fancinated by creatures living around, and I'm surprised by our ability to manipulate them. Simple as bacteria, they can already have complicated functions that cooperate extremely well. I join HKU team as a modeling guy. Providing an understanding from another perspective, I believe I can contribute to make us the best team!
