Team:Newcastle/Agendas/15 September 2010


Revision as of 16:25, 14 September 2010 by Swoodhouse (Talk | contribs)

Agenda for the formal meeting: Thursday 9th September 2010

  • Meeting location: CBCB
  • Meeting time: 09:00

Chair: Jannetta

Minutes: Steven

Computer: Alan

  1. Roll call and apologies
  2. Approval of the previous minutes and action points
  3. Wiki
  4. Lab feedback
    1. yneA
    2. SR1
    3. Hyperspankoid
    4. Arabinose promoter
  5. Concrete
  6. Modelling
  7. Action points
    1. Rough presentation slides
    2. Watch one of the six iGEM finalists last year's presentation
    3. Logo/T-shirts
    4. Publicity
    5. Track selection
    6. Abstract
    7. Team Roster
    8. Other business
  8. Next meeting
    1. Items for next agenda
    2. Chair
    3. Minutes
    4. Computer