

Revision as of 13:53, 17 August 2010 by Tleach (Talk | contribs)


Who we are

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  • Name: Andy Balmer
  • Powers: Confusion and flight
  • Bio:

  • Name: Kate Bulpin
  • Powers: Ice manipulation.
  • Bio: Kate was born and raised in Somerset UK. She began an early career in the sciences by earning a degree in biology at the age of 21. It was during this time that a freak accident in the lab left the warm-hearted Kate with an icy touch. Seeing this as a blessing, she decided to put her powers only good use. Meanwhile, it was Kate's decision to focus an interest in social sciences, pursuing a PhD at Sheffield University in how people become scientists and develop a disciplinary identity. Her main role as part of the team is to catalyse the formation of ideas for their work on human practices as well as study the team as part of her own work.

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  • Name: Nii Armah Armah
  • Powers: Able to feeze time through the action of dance.
  • Bio: Nii's powers are of an unknown phenomenon. Since his childhood (born in West London) he has always complained of a distracting beat that at times becomes so powerful he feels an insatiable urge to break into dance. Only recently has this evolved to a state that Nii sees time freeze around him when he persues this beat. One release Nii has found from this is by concentrating on unrelated tasks. This led to him pursuing an undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering and joining the iGEM 2010 team. Nii concentrates on modelling work, but also participates in web designing and livening everyone up. His outer interests remain unknown.

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  • Name: Matthew Ford
  • Powers: Invisibility.
  • Bio: Matt was a born superhero, son of two very successful heroes who still battle against the darker sides of science in Bedford, UK. Matt's powers manifested at the age of 15 and since he has been able to turn invisible, especially in mornings. Part of keeping his identity secret is in his study of biomedical sciences at Sheffield University. Matt works mainly in the lab, updating the lab book as the team go along in iGEM Sheffield. His interests include practicing American football and socialising with his friends at uni.

  • Name: Steven Garrett
  • Powers: Super Speed.
  • Bio: Steve's superpower was earned through sheer determination. Very few have pushed themselves to the point where their mind can push molecules faster allowing them to run at great distances at such short amounts of time. Steve also took an interest in Genetics from an early age and has successfully tied this in with competing against other runners on a regular basis. His contribution to the team is being master organiser, lab worker, researcher and purchaser for different parts required. Steve spends most evenings maintaining his super speed and competing against others. He is also a big fan of cheese, as this is his major fuel source for his ability.

  • Name: Narmada Herath
  • Powers: Genius intellect and master of technology.
  • Bio: Narmada was a child prodigy born in Sri Lanka. Her interest in engineering led her to Sheffield University to study control and process engineering. Narmada is committed to using her intelligence for the greater good. There are rumours that her USB stick holds more power than any other device in the world, however she guards this with the knowledge that she must only use it when the timing feels right. Narmada is a calm, hardworking member of the team who mainly contributes through her modelling work. In her spare time she enjoys making her way through various TV series including Friends and Gray's Anatomy.

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  • Name: Thomas Leach
  • Powers: Ability to photoshop the future
  • Bio: Tom is the most local member of the Team having been raised in Doncaster. One night Tom was working on a graphics project and accidentally spilled a cup of tea on his laptop, causing his brain to rewire with a mystic force and his computer photoshop programme. He can now photoshop the future for his fellow iGEM teammates to interpret. Tom studies molecular biology at Sheffield University. His major contribution to the project is designing the web page and using his experience in the lab. In his spare time he enjoys playing retro computer game tunes on piano and swimming.

  • Name: Caroline Telfer
  • Powers: Shapeshifting
  • Bio: Caz was also born in Bedford, but never had the chance to meet Matt until they both arrived to study Biomedical Sciences at Sheffield University. Although Caz had no powers at the beginning of iGEM, it was Steve that soon sensed her potential. Her first transformation was into Catherine Biggs, whom she still morphs into spontaneously at times. She is in charge of the team's emails and participates in most of the lab work carried out. Aside from iGEM, caz is interested in tennis and enjoys going to Wimbledon to watch the annual tournament.
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