Team:IIT Madras/Protocols


Revision as of 18:28, 27 October 2010 by Chetan.srinath (Talk | contribs)

PCR Protocol

Composition of PCR reaction:

  • PHusion Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase(from Finnzymes) - 0.2 mul
  • 5x Phusion HF Buffer (from Finnzymes) - 4 mul
  • dNTP – 1 mul
  • DNA Template – 1 mul
  • Primers(from Bioserve) – 1 mul each.
  • Water – 12.8 mul

Total volume for the reaction is 20 mul.

Digestion Protocol

Composition of the digestion mixture:

  • DNA - 4 mul
  • Enzyme 1 - 1.2 mul
  • Enzyme 2 - 1.2 mul
  • Buffer - 2 mul
  • Water - 11.6 mul

Total volume for the reaction is 20 mul.


  1. For EcorRI, PstI – The reaction mixture is kept at 37 degrees for 1.5 hours. For other Enzymes – The reaction mixture is kept at 37 degrees for 5 hours.
  2. Inactivate enzyme by heating at 80 degrees for 20 mins.

T4 Ligation Protocol

Composition of Ligation mixture:

  • T4 Ligase Buffer - 1mul
  • 6:1 molar insert:vector (vector~10ng)
  • miliQ water - (8.5 - DNA volume) mul
  • T4 ligase – 0.5 mul


  1. Leave reaction at 22.5degC for 30min
  2. Denaturate ligase at 65degC for 10min
  3. Store at -20degC


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