Team:EPF Lausanne/Humanpractices


Revision as of 11:41, 27 October 2010 by Wiktor (Talk | contribs)

Asaia human practice.png



We made an animated movie presenting our project. This will allow us to introduce synthetic biology in a funny way to a broad public. To measure the educational impact of our movie, we created a survey and had 2 groups of people answer it. To one group we showed our movie, to the other we showed a "neutral" one. We hope that making a simple and funny movie will make the public more aware of the benefits synthetic biology can bring to the society.

Running for iGEM



During the summer we met a few mornings to run along the lake (and sometimes even swim!!!) before going to the lab... The ultimate aim is to run the Lausanne Marathon (quarter or half of it) !!! Sunday 31 October we'll run for iGem!!!

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