Team:TU Delft/EPAC


Revision as of 09:59, 26 October 2010 by Ebrinkman (Talk | contribs)

The EPAC Pyramid - a new approach to Human Practice

When new technologies are presented to society, the reaction of the public is hard to predict. In the case of synthetic biology numerous questions raises about biosafety and biosecurity. Also issues like pattenting in contrast to open-source models are a topic of debate.

During our iGEM project we tried to analyze, assess and improve the relationship between society and synthetic biology. By doing so, our team hopes to improve the way in which synthetic biology meets the expectations and needs of society.

To accomplish this goal we chose an holistic approach to Human Practice. Our approach implies various ways to equip sociaty with the right information in order to make sure that one is able to form a proper opinion. This way one can contribute to the public debate.

Depending on the general public opinion and awareness, scientist can provide the right information to inform about science & technology. People recieve this information and process this according to their own values and standards. After processing this information, people will be better able to join the discussion on science & technology.

To grasp the muliple aspects of this holistic approach, we come up with a model that provides us the right guide lines to organize our human practise activities - The EPAC Pyramid was created.

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