Team:Weimar-Heidelberg Arts/Project/Odeur Cuisine


Revision as of 11:54, 26 October 2010 by Bbuegler (Talk | contribs)

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Name Name2

Product Description

'Odeur Cuisine' is the newest hype from Europe, allowing you to extend the experience of a delicious meal to a rich bouquet of combined fragrances in the form of gastrointestinal olfactory output, be it enhanced flatulence, enriched eructation, or both. The Starter-Kit is based on a cookbook giving you insight into the various techniques of 'Odeur Cuisine' and their appliance in the recipes of world-leading chefs. Additional background information is also provided, such as the historical and cultural background of flatulence, up-and-coming dining rituals, and scientific illustration. Also included in the kit are accessories for cooking and savoring odeur meals, a strain of modified gastrointestinal bacteria and a set of smell triggers - indispensable and varying with your chosen package. Everything you need to prepare the finest emission-cultivating dishes in combination with gastrointestinal activated odors!

Technical Description

The idea of Odeur Cuisine is based on modified E. coli bacteria that are able to secrete molecules with different smells (ethereal, camphoracceous, musky, floral, minty, pungent, putrid). The variation of smells can be triggered to be synthesized in different concentrations by flavorless substances mixed into your ordinary meal.

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